So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Y3S2 Week 3
Sunday, January 22, 2017 Sunday, January 22, 2017 // 0 comments

I'm back,survived 2 weeks of Y3S2 and I can't really say Y3S2 is going to be a breeze,at least not with so many things ongoing. Actually,I'm supposed to finish up my GEK1064 journal which is due tomorrow but I just.... can't stop myself from procrastinating (what's new).

So today, I woke up at 7am from an extremely condusive weather to sleep in on a Sunday morning all thanks to my driving lesson scheduled at 9am. So reluctantly,I dragged myself out of the bed at 7,ate a bit,showered and headed out at 8am. Had outside driving today,it's my 34th driving lesson since the first day and I'm slightly more than a month away from my next TP test,I really hope I can pass on the second try:( Practised the usual routes,quite uneventful and the roads were pretty empty since most people would still be sleeping at 9am on Sunday haha,how I wish my tp test,which is at 11am on a Saturday morning can be as empty as today too. The only annoying thing today was the traffic lights. So I was driving back to CDC after doing a Uturn at Eunos Link (I made it a point to do Uturn at Eunos Link every outside driving lesson just in case if I get the darn route again on my second test *choy*,Mr Koh said the route I got was actually one of the hardest route at CDC even harder than the infamous Macpherson Uturn fml) then I was at this huge junction at Eunos and the lights were green when I was damn near to the stop line so I accelerated and went ahead,Mr Koh was clearing the car at that time and didn't pay attention to the roads so I only had myself to rely on,and when I drove pass the traffic lights,it was amber so there was totally no time to stop at all and the lights turned red when I was halfway through the junction,fortunately I was smart enough to accelerate and quickly clear the junction. Mr Koh looked up and saw the red lights then he was like "Red lights leh!" I replied him nonchalantly saying that when I crossed the traffic lights then the lights turned amber so no time to stop at all. WTF,I paid him to clear his car of rubbish,totally damn pissed off,I have a feeling that he doesn't really care whether you pass or not,he just wants to earn your money that's all,like most of the time when I was driving during lessons,he just talked on his phone or just do something else like checking his logbook or cleaning his car,haiz,it's really hard to get a good driving instructor even if you're a school student so I will just bear with it and hopefully can get my license ASAP so I don't have to waste any more money on driving lessons...Really really hope I get a good tester,good route and good weather on my test date and the rest is up to my own driving skills.I'm quite confident with my skills already (I hope) after driving for 34 lessons OMG that's like so much money gone :( But oh well,at least I'm a private student instead of school,I'll probably be bankrupted now if I went for school and failed the first tp test.....But I'm quite happy with the progress I've made for changing lanes,I've been practising a lot on this cos that was the reason I failed my first tp test,I realised getting empty roads really help,I always feel jittery about changing lanes in heavy traffic:( So pleaseeeeeee bless me with empty roads during my tp test so I can change lanes smoothly:(

Then after my driving lesson ended at 10am,I headed back hope intending to complete my journal but went to practise piano,slack a bit,had lunch,bathed and turned on my laptop to start with my journal.Haizzz the inertia to start was too huge and I ended up applying for internships in the end HAHA but not bad,that was another task to be completed on my to-do-list for the week so it wasn't a waste of time YAY;D I've applied for 20 odd internships but have yet to receive any news for interviews yet,fingers crossed:( I'm supposed to start my journal really soon but thought of penning down some of my thoughts here first because there's just so many stuffs happening for the past few weeks,both good and bad.

Met many friends who've just came back from their SEP,they flooded me with loads of souvenirs,really grateful:)I'm just happy that they're back,like my beloved Aunty Mel,Grace,Jasin and Gladys,these are the people that saw me through 3 years of uni life and I wouldn't have been able to survive so long in NUS without them and of course not forgetting other friends like Desmond,Sab,TA,friends from NUS Ambassador and my SEP friends:)I've just met Elaine jie jie last wednesday and I'm so happy to be able to catch up on life with her,it's been sooooo long since I last saw her.Really miss my exchange days:( I met JS too,during GEK1064 lecture and made new friends (JS's aerospace friends) they're all so smart and hardworking omg,I'm so gonna tank bell curve for them:( Speaking of bell curve,I fking didn't get onto Dean's List AGAIN. At this point, I really have nothing much to say but I'm just very disappointed that all my hard work weren't sufficient to grant me a Dean's List that I've always wanted so badly. JS is on Dean's List again and I believe he deserve it,but I just can't help but feel sorry for myself. I've yet to receive any Dean's List for even once and perhaps I'm going to have to graduate with regrets in a year's time oh well. At least the least I can do is to maintain my CAP at first class........

I'm taking 4 modules this semester with a total of only 18 MCs (underloading) because there aren't many mods that I'm interested in this semester so I will have to overload next semester to make up for the shortfall in MCs.I'd rather do mods I'm interested in than do mods for the sake of MCs.I'm doing GE4222 (went through lots of torture to appeal for this mod),GE4204 (spent 2000+ points from my P account to bid for it damn),GEK1064 and GE3227.My predicted grades as of now are: A-,B+,A,A,I would be more than happy to get this set of results:)

Oh and before I forget,I almost died in GE4204 lecture last tuesday.Tuesday is my most dreaded day of the week cos of the 6 hours back to back lecture:( And I'm not really interested in GE4204 but that's like the most interesting 4k mod in human geog so no choice. The reason why I almost died in class was because of my nightmare. It's been quite some time since I got intense,painful cramps but in this latest episode (my period came on Tuesday morning) and as most people would know,the 2 hour travel to school was super chilly since it was super early in the morning,omg the cramps were really unbearable.Thankfully I got a seat since I boarded at Pasir Ris and there were a few elderly who boarded the train later.I really wanted to offer them my seat though I wasn't sitting on the reserved seat but I was really worried that I would faint from the cramps if I stood up so I had no choice but to continue sitting down I felt so guilty omg. It was soooooo painful during GE4204 and I totally had no mood to pay attention to class or contribute in the group discussion.Damn troublesome and annoying to be a weak female...Just glad that it came before CNY otherwise it would be so damn inconvenient since it's really a torture having to think of ways to change your pad and find a place to dispose it discretely when you're at your relative's house.Warning**** this might be a bit TMI so gtfo if you're squeamish about blood related stuffs.I didn't mention this in my previous posts but due to exam stress,I missed my period for like 3 months so this period was long overdue (that probably explain why it was so painful) and I had really heavy bleeding from day 1 to 3,I was passing out blood clots and had to change pad as often as once in 2 hours,I usually can last for at least 4-5 hours for a pad.I normally change when I go and pee and the moment I sat down on the toilet bowl,I will start passing blood clots into the toilet bowl while I pee and change,quite gross but worrying too.I'm feeling quite dizzy now so probably I'd lost quite a lot of blood:(

haiz fml,damn terrible to be me but I'm sure I will be able to survive all this challenges:)

Happy CNY everyone,I won't be blogging anytime soon I think!Stay happy and healthy!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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