So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Sunday, February 5, 2017 Sunday, February 05, 2017 // 0 comments

I really can't believe the first 4 weeks of Y3S2 flew by just like that:( Really felt like my last paper of Y3S1 ended yesterday. Sianzzzzz....I know right, shouldn't I be happy that the days are passing by so quickly so that I will get to graduate asap HAHA. But I really dread the upcoming few weeks where all the school work will just keep piling up like nobody's business.

I'm quite thankful that I've decided to "underload" this semester by doing 4 mods. Not literally underloading because I still meet the required minimum MCs by NUS but I'm doing 4 instead of the usual 5 mods. Out of the 4 mods I'm doing this sem, I'm thankful to be taking GEK1064 this sem as it's rather light and super interesting as compared to my other geog mods. WTF all the geog mods have projects WTF la. I really admire people who can major in Econs and Psych cos they don't really have any projects to do though the downside for them is harder exam questions (not saying geog's exams are easy NO!) but I heard how incredibly competitive it is in Econs and Psych...

GE4222 is still reasonable for a level 4000 module plus I appealed for it so no complains, GE3227 is currently still manageable,there's a big project coming up but I'm confident that we can cope and do well in this cos I'm working with my clique, Desmond and Sabrina for the project WOOHOO!

GE4204 seriously is INSANE sia,every week need to complete 3 thick sets of readings like hello? Think we damn free isit, plus the readings are all so dry and insanely hard to understand...Honestly disgusted with human geog's readings.

Anyway, I'm really damn busy these days trying to cope with studies, my ambassador commitments, driving lessons, earning money from various small events and internship applications. I spammed applying to lots of organisations and companies for internship and right now, I received one interview offer and a request to write a 500 word essay both are from the stats board.

My first internship interview is next tuesday and I would have to rush down right after GE4204 lecture and have to skip GE4222 lecture haiz...Idk why things always fall on the day when I'm busiest when I have so many free days this sem-.- #life Oh well...

Oh and before I forget, I met my SEP friends last thursday for dinner. So happy to see everyone turning up cos I was the one who planned for the dinner woots! Really glad to be able to see them again and I also got to meet Grace who's just back from SEP:) Grace got be Kate Spade wallet omg,it's super pretty but I feel really bad for making her spend so much. I'm really blessed to have so many good friends, loving family, being able to do decently in NUS as well as good opportunities to develop and improve myself. Really thankful. Hope 2017 can be a good year and I promise I will work hard despite constantly complaining about my workload HAHA.

Goodbye guys,will try to update real soon:)

With Love,
Cheryl :D



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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