So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Monday, January 16, 2017 Monday, January 16, 2017 // 0 comments

You won't wanna go down the path just like the Americans or at least I don't.

In the last elections,despite having met the ripe old age of 21,I wasn't allowed to vote as promised by the "oh so amazing and capable and extraordinary" government of Singapore.They gave me and some  of my fellow batch mates reasons like "oh guys stop complaining,you guys are still below the age of 21 due to your birth month".Fucking crap,they made us enrolled into Primary one when we hit 7 no matter our birth month,sent us organ donation letters when we hit 21 regardless of birth month and yes,collected lots of $$$ from all of us from the year we hit 21 no matter the birth month.

This fucking nonsense aside,as a typical average income heartlander,I'm currently staying in a HDB flat (our government's "genius" and very-proud-of project).No issues.But remember what did your fucking government promised?They will ensure equal mixture of different races in every HDB estate to maintain racial harmony and encourage interactions across different races.Im perfectly okay with that,knowing how the government just love to be goody-two-shoes as always,giving politically correct statements at all time,but Guess what?!

AFTER 20 odd years staying in the current HDB estate,with most of my old Neighbours Long gone (died or moved away) the entire estate has officially became a fucking M***Y kampong.Even my bloody MP is a M***Y wtf,talking about suayness.So where did the racial quota by HDB went to?Where's the fucking racial mix that the government had promised?!NO,the whole place just looks like a fucking Mecca right now,as a very racist person here,this issue totally kills off everything PAP had done (in the past-LKY's era,let's not talk about the current government now).

So open your eyes wide,don't just use rely on your ears.Cast your votes properly don't be a child.



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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