So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Vacation Week 1 of Y3S1:)
Monday, December 19, 2016 Monday, December 19, 2016 // 0 comments


I.AM.BACK.ALIVE from the torment of Y3S1 woohooo!

Looking back,I'm really grateful to have met nice people along the way,else I wouldn't have been able to come so far.Omg,can't believe I'm in year 3 already and gonna graduate in 1.5 years' time.I'm actually kind of looking forward to graduating despite not having any idea of what I'm going to do after graduation but I just can't wait to get out of the (or maybe the lack of sleep) cycle.

Not sure if I've mentioned this in my previous post but for Y3S1,it was kinda special because the mods that I took were mainly for my minor in Geosciences.As most people would know,Geog mods are very project intensive,thus the need to work with people whom I know (wouldn't slack) and since most of my peers are on SEP this semester,I had no choice but to minimise the number of geog mods this sem..Hmm,at the beginning,I thought the combination of mods for Y3S1 was pretty good,lots of science (which I enjoy coming from a science background),I agree that the combination of mods made my workload kind of lighter in terms of the amount of readings I have to do but nevertheless,it was ASSIGNMENT intensive omg,every single week there's always some sort of major lab report/assignment/test to be completed plus GE2220 requires the reading of the entire freaking textbook,damn it,those people who took T&C in the past kept telling us that we don't have to get the TB since it's a physical geog mod arghhhhhhhhhhhhh.And then,there was this health scare during recess week till the end of finals:(

Was hospitalised during recess week,actually I started feeling under the weather after I fainted during the UTU fieldtrip in JB,it was scary,can't remember when was the last time I lost consciousness suddenly only to wake up to pairs of eyes above me and can't remember any shit that happened.I used to faint very often like VERY when I was in primary and secondary school then I thought my health improved when I went up to JC and uni but no,damn still the weak af girl.

Moving on to finals,I chose to mug at home except for one day which I went down to RC4 to meet Tiong Ann,Sab and Desmond to study for GE2220.I wouldn't say it was very productive given the amount of time I took to travel to and fro my home and NUS but I did learned a lot from them because we quizzed one another.I don't really have the habit of studying outside,be it school,public libraries or cafes because I need absolute silence to focus.I once thought it was productive and conducive to study at CLB but NO,those fking PRCs simply gave zero fucks to keep quiet or to stop whatever inconsiderate actions they always had like eating loudly in the damn library,discussing answers loudly and even CUTTING nails in the fking library like wtf ?!!!Seriously,these PRCs should be exterminated for the good of mankind,annoying af,full of uncultured rubbish.Just soooooo thankful that I still had the sanity to not apply for any shitty overseas program to China,else I would be begging to fly back to SG once I set foot on that garbage country.

Anyway,I tried to study hard for finals at home,and I'm kinda satisfied with how hard I studied though as usual,I spent quite some time slacking away too but I managed to complete what I intended to.So just hoping for the best on results day,20 December 2016,wish me luck guys and see you all soon!!!!:)

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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