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Ups and Downs
Friday, December 30, 2016 Friday, December 30, 2016 // 0 comments

20th December 2016.The day when NUS students dread to open their message inbox HAHA. As usual,I will be doing a module review to return the favour I took from other NUS students who gave very helpful insights and feedbacks on modules while helped me get through 4 semesters excluding exchange:) Note: The reviews are based on my personal experience, interests and strengths.

Exactly a year ago,at this point of time I was busy packing my luggage for my exchange while waiting for my Y2S1 results to be released.

A year later,I laid on my bed,phone on airplane mode,refusing to switch it back to normal mode because I didn't want to wake up to a string of Bs for my Y3S1 results.

Not sure if you guys read my previous blog posts,but these were the grades I was expecting and hoping for then:

CM1111- B+
PC1322 - A-
GE2220 - A
GE2221- Pass can already (plan to SU)
XD3103 - A-

As usual,for people like me who've subscribed to the NUS sms service,we will receive our results at an earlier time,around 8am?It was past 8am and I still dare not switch of my airplane mode then it was till around 8.30am that my curiosity became unbearable and I decided to turn off my airplane mode and try to open the message from NUS S.L.O.W.L.Y>.< So I spread my palm across of gigantic screen (mind you,I'm using an iphone 6S plus) and my fingers failed to cover my CAP score LOL.Last year,I failed to cover my grades but managed to cover my CAP score but this year it's the other way round WTF????

And then....These are my actual grades for Y3S1:

CM1111 - B+
PC1322 - A
GE2220 - A+
GE2221 -  B+
XD3103 - A

So compared to the grades that I was expecting, I did exceeded my expectations for all mods with the exception of CM1111 which I was quite spot on haha.

I had to take CM1111 despite being a Geography major as I had to take a CM/PC/LSM coded module to fulfill my geoscience minor requirements. I decided to take CM1111 only in Y3S1 because it was only after Y2S1 that I decided to minor in Geoscience and I didn't want to take that mod alone so had to wait for my male JC classmates to enter uni after their NS to take it as part of their major requirement:) Smart right lol,it didn't make any difference sadly,I worked hard and relied solely on my own for CM1111. The good thing about this mod is that it doesn't have any labs or project work. Only 30% mid terms and 70% final exam,so workload is pretty light but you have to make sure that you perform very well for the two exams to do well for the mod since there's nothing else to help you pull up your grades. 4 hours of lectures every week,webcasted and 1 hour weekly tutorial conducted in a small classroom at S5. The annoying thing about this mod is that the lectures are held at LT 32 at an ungodly timing of 8am so after a few lectures,I started to webcast everything but my attendance for CM1111 was 100% okay!!!!!!!!!Sadly,there's not attendance/participation points whatsoever so all my efforts to participate in tutorials went into the drain arghhhhhhhh.I did slightly above average for midterms and finals I kinda had confidence to pass so it was pretty accurate that I predicted a B+ for this mod.I'm quite contented with my grade for CM1111 given that I haven't touch chem for 2 years already plus I'm not a chem major.Note,you need to have H2 chemistry background to take this mod as a pre-requisite.I'm going to S/U this mod since I have too many S/Us left anyway and hopefully by S/U-ing this mod will allow me to get Dean's List.

I took Understanding the Universe to satisfy my breadth requirement.I've always wanted to take this mod but for the past few semesters,I haven't been able to do so because the bidding points were just too high for me to afford since UTU is one of the more popular science gems:( Good news is UTU is offered in both sem 1&2 so you can always take it in the sem when you have enough bid points:) I bidded for UTU under the PC code for 1 point so I could save up my points while I have friends who bidded for UTU under the gem code which cost about 400+ points OUCH!UTU is very interesting,the lecturer was quite okay,she's very knowledgeable and funny (those cold jokes and puns during lectures).The things I like about this mod is its content and some of its assessment format like tutorial and lecture attendance as well as forum participation. These are the free marks that you SHOULD be getting full marks and it helps to filter out students who are just plain lazy,this gives advantage to students like me who are willing to travel 4 hours to and fro just for the tutorial or lecture and lectures are NOT webcasted.Things I don't like about this mod is that sometimes Dr Ng might go a bit faster and since it's not webcasted,you might miss out on important points if you can't write or type fast enough,so it's suggested to take this mod with some people you know.Also,despite being a level 1 science gem,the workload is rather heavy with weightage divided across several components,if I'm not wrong,the breakdown is as follows: 25% midterms,25% final exam,10% tutorial attendance,participation and presentation, 8% lecture quiz, 2% forum participation,25% group video project and individual essay,5% astronomy picture + short writeup on the picture. So as you can see,this mod requires you to be constantly studying for and submitting various assessments.I actually read up on many module reviews on UTU and had friends who took it previously and realised that most scored around B+ or below. UTU is definitely one of the more competitive science gems and I was really pleasantly surprised with the A I got.I won't be talking much about my results for UTU but one advice to those who wish to do well in UTU is to not give up and keep working hard for EVERY single component,make sure to grab all the free marks and score as well as you can.I was quite disappointed with all my CA results but I didn't give up and continued to do my best in every single submissions:)

I had to take this mod though I've completed my level 2000 core mods requirement because of my minor in Geosciences but since it's a physical geog mod,I really don't mind taking it plus I get to do it with my own group of friends:) Before the start of the semester,I already told myself that I definitely have to get at least an A for this mod since I'm a physical geographer plus after all,I'm a year 3 geog major so no reasons why I can't do well in this mod!So for this mod,thankfully we were allowed to choose our own group mates for all the lab reports, each group comprised of 4 students so I did it with 3 other batch mates and we did quite well for all the lab reports except for one.There were 4 reports in total,each weighs 15% and GOD it was tedious!!!!!!I still remember there's one particular report where we had to locate 4-5 slopes around SG and had to measure lots of things on the slopes omg,we spent like one full day doing the measurings and another full day to type out the report.We got an A on average for all the reports,but the last one was bad because it was marked by another TA and we were not used to his marking style sianzzzzzzzz.This mod is fking content heavy,don't take it if you don't have any interest in geomorphology stuffs or you will kill yourself I swear.Though many friends who've took this mod previously told me that readings are not necessary,the prof emphasised that it is important to do the readings and I borrowed the textbook from CLB.Of course,I did not managed to finish all the readings but at least I did almost 3/4 of all the required readings:)Final exams was 40% and it was quite tough if you didn't study hard,there was 10 definition questions and 1 fking hard essay which I know I totally screwed,first time in my life I wrote an essay that was less than 2 pages long?!!!!!!!But I guess the CAs and 10 definition questions really determined our grades since I'm sure most people would've screwed up the essay as well.Very happy that my group got all As and A+s woohoo!

Took this mod to fulfill my political/economic basket for my major.All I can say is that this basket is ANNOYING as hell,I actually wanted to map back mods for this basket from SEP but failed to do so. I took Nat Soc because it doesn't have a group project means I don't have to take it with friends,and it's a level 2000 mod so I can SU if I didn't do well plus the content about animals interests me:)I took it alone initially but I realised a few people I know are taking this mod with me as well so ended up attending tutorials and lectures with my friend hahahah.I don't know what to say about this mod but I felt that this is a mod that is either you get it or don't,really don't know how to do well unless your style of writing and thinking is tangential to Dr Harvey Neo's.I got an A for the video assignment but only B for the essay assignment terrible.Didn't study much for finals since it was open book anyway and I knew I can always SU it if I don't do well,so I went for finals with a blank mind and did my best,got a B+ and I'm more than happy with it.I'm still left with one political/economic mod to clear haiz.

BAD BAD BAD....Don't ever take this mod,it's fking not worth the 4MCs trust me.I took this because again,my minor's requirements fml.This mod comprises of 3 sections,physics,chem and geog,geog stands 50% of the mod while the other two components made up the other 50%.The chem part was HORRIBLE,omg till now I still don't get what the prof was trying to bring across,there wasn't a clear structure for the chem part and it's so annoying that he always made us do some useless ungraded excel activity during lectures while the main lectures were all webcasted.Me and my friend decided to skip all the chem lectures after attending 2 useless lectures.Physics and geog parts were okay BUT the contents were incredibly HEAVY no joke,I was super thankful that I have a strong physical geog foundation and did UTU in the same sem so I could do planetary physics well:)Thank God!VERY VERY happy with myself for getting A for this stupid mod.

That's all for this blog post,it's 31st December 2016 today lol,can't believe one year has passed.Miss my SEP times.Right now,I'm just worrying about my mods for next semester and year 4 plus my stupid driving re-test because I failed my first one.Wish me luck guys,and of course I will definitely work hard for what I want:)Jia you everyone and stay healthy!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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