So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Just so you know.... Life is two-sided, it depends on how you look at it and how you live with it
Saturday, May 23, 2015 Saturday, May 23, 2015 // 0 comments

It's Sunday today, most people would've used sundays to catch up on some sleep or do stuffs they enjoy to unwind after a busy week. But I just can't have my weekends to myself. Instead, every single week, my weekends would be all packed with activities from morning till night and the busy weekdays cycle would all begin again.

After entering uni, for those interested in knowing the life of a uni student, this is what I feel after I entered uni. First, because I joined camps, I personally felt that Arts Camp was a huge waste of time and money so if given another chance, go for your major's camp instead, geog camp was so much better and we got more time to bond with the correct group of people, people going into the same major as you. So after the camps, there was a huge expansion of my social circle. I was never a social butterfly and don't intend to be one, but the sudden increase of people I know proved to be too overwhelming for me. Given that I am an introvert, I rather spend more time with one or two closer friends than to know many of them at once and have to greet them whenever I bumped into them. It may be nothing for most people out there, but I just hate it when I have to greet people whom I'm not even close to, like hi-bye friends. But uni = no man is an island, you can't survive without having many friends esp when it comes to project. Sad.

For uni, it's the last stage of our education so they are preparing us for work in future, yes, it is no doubt that uni provides much more freedom and opportunities for us to gain experiences and be workplace-ready but more opportunities means more competitive and you need to really put in your 101% and make huge sacrifices to remain on the race. One example would be CCAs. CCAs, according to the career trainers are much more important than solely academic success so many people will join several CCAs to boost their portfolio and hence employability. So being caught in the rat race, I have no choice but to conform and that's when my precious weekends for revision/rest/doing stuffs I like were burnt, WEEK AFTER WEEK. Though I told everyone I love what I'm doing but deep inside me, I just want to stop, at least for some weeks. I haven't really catch a breather right after finals ended and I desperately need it now. I've been looking for jobs and giving my all for the previous job which sucked big time and giving my all for my CCAs.

Life was made worse when I have a darn irritating, annoying, paranoid, useless asshole father sitting at home. It's not like his pay is so high that gives him the right to annoy the rest of us in the family. I'm always telling my mom, whom I really love and owe her a lot that if my father was my uncle, the one whom earns a lot, able to give his family a good, pretty, big house and car and food and good temper (that's the most important aspect), how great would it be. But unfortunately, his kids' grades are not that good and doesn't excel in any special areas. Life is just like that, either you get this, or you don't. There's no point sulking over what others have and what you don't have, learn to make good use of what you have and turn it into your advantage, can't agree enough with this quote. That's how I survived, 21 years to be exact. To my useless father who only knows how to vent your anger on others, don't expect me to do more than giving you money in future. You know it better than I am, what you've done to the family for years. Just recently, I received the acceptance offer for my SEP application, and guess what, he made a big hooha over the SEP as I was allocated my first choice which is located at CANADA. It really kept me thinking, who on earth would be so angry over such great news? I do have friends who are not as well off but nevertheless, his/her parents were much more supportive and cool about their achievements. Seriously, if the phrase, WTF can truly represent what is on my mind now, I would jolly well write it out a fking 100000 times on a paper.

Anyway, just when I thought I'd managed to get rid of the pain in the ass job at Yayoiken, that old man in the house decided to give me much more problems.At least I got to earn money at Yayoiken but at home, nothing but bad mood. Just like how I came back after sacrificing my whole entire sunday morning to volunteer at the shelter and came back to ridiculous demands. I really had enough of this entire family, if not for my mom, I would've moved out to stay in NUS's hostels or something, just to escape from this hellhole.

I can still remember very clearly, when I did badly in primary school, he would kept scolding, punishing and caning us but when I moved on to do better in my studies, all these rubbish did not cease but instead got worse. I truly don't know what he wants, so I'm only looking forward to be financially dependent in 3 years' time and bring my mom away with me, leaving that dumb fker behind forever.

With love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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