So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

4 more hours and I'm done:)
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Wednesday, May 20, 2015 // 0 comments

Woohooooooooo!I remember last thursday, at this time, I experienced a hell of my life. Exactly one week ago at this current time, it was my first day of work at Yayoi East Point Mall, I swear it was horrible. I admit that I don't have any prior experience working in F&B before so the learning curve is much steeper for me but as mentioned in the previous post, it is not the demands of the job and nasty customers that made me want to quit but the staffs there. I won't deny that there are awesome people there as well, special mention to Yi Xuan and Jie Xin for being my good work buddies for the past one week, work would've been much more shitty without both of you, and all the best to Jie Xin since she's new and she's going to work till August!!!!

Haha what a coincidence, Jie Xin is from FASS too, same year but different major, hope to see you in NUS:)

So, I have shitty manager(s), shitty perm staffs, kitchen staffs and what not...But I don't give a damn.Ok let's name the manager A, another perm staff that I dislike S, initials of their real name btw. So A decided to come back to work after a super long leave (according to the perm staffs there) and A, upon knowing that I'm leaving and realising that there's a severe shortage of manpower, imagine having like 7 staffs to run the restaurant with so many things to do?!!!!I guess it worried A so much that he had to keep his voice low and spoke to me hoping that I will change my mind and stay on?Fat hope man! To A, yes you, if you somehow idk how, managed to see this post, I really want to 'thank' you for lowering your head to talk to me, hahaha first time in 20 odd years of my life, someone whom is actually a manager spoke to me like that, just short of the kneel down and beg part muahahahaha. I really love the experience, perhaps this is the only few good stuffs about my Yayoi experience.


Then there's this irritating bitchy S who is a perm full time staff and I'm guessing she's a Malaysian, yanno, those weird, hilarious chinese accent that can only come out from a Malaysian's mouth???Yep that's it. PS. I have no intention of offending other Malaysians but this is only directed at S. S thinks that she's the boss, the one who's the bigger than the manager, should name her Miss know-everything but actually she's not that pro lah, just a small fry who changed completely when A came back yesterday hahahahaa, epic much, such a loser. S loves to boss people around, kept saying that everyone in the stall gave her much problems when it was actually her giving herself 'much problems' LAME. I really hate working with FTs as shared by many, since the F&B industry has nothing but FTs, thus the best way to avoid them (they really have the absolute ability to make you puke blood) is to just leave yep. S is just an ugly, annoying bitch who thinks she's cool, pro whatever, but I just want to tell her, please grow up, others are actually smarter than you, if you don't want to make yourself appear like a fool in front of others, please mind your own business and don't try to act smart.

There's many others who's annoying as hell for the past 1 week and I'm actually impressed with my ability to tolerate them for one full week. The pay is actually quite pathetic, for a F&B standing job with lots of shit to do so please don't be fooled by them like I was in the first place.

I'm currently still searching for an admin job, my forte, I really love admin jobs, they bring so much joy to working life. Mel was kind enough to introduce me to her current admin job and I've signed up and still waiting for the company to contact me,Really hope I get the job, so I won't be that stupid to make this post public first for the sake of securing the admin job. Thank you so much Mel, I love you!

Be smart, make only good friends in uni, there's always a few friends whom you can keep for life, uni ain't that terrible after all, you just have to exercise your own discretions and be smart that's all. Uni life depends greatly on your first year, it's really a do-or-die. So work harder and get to know more GOOD people in your freshman year, I really hate the word freshie, so you won't have to worry so much about uni life when you got the backings of good friends:)

That's all for today, few more hours and I will be off for my last night shift today!6-10pm, wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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