So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Y1S2 Week 12
Friday, April 10, 2015 Friday, April 10, 2015 // 0 comments

Hi guys, I'm back for a short respite from all the stuffs that I'm overwhelmed with.

This semester has been a hell load of craziness. The amount of stress we undergrads face in this horrible sem is beyond words, literally. And I.AM.NOT.KIDDING.

As mentioned earlier, I have 4 projects out of the 5 modules that I am currently taking, not that I hate projects but NUS MADE ME hate them. I'm really thankful that I decided to take SSA2215 in this sem although it cost me 501 odd points and I'm now broke in terms of my G account. So guys, think of your points too before deciding on the mods you are going to take.

But no regrets, though SSA2215 is definitely not perfect, but the workload is still considered bearable.For those considering SSA2215,just to share with you guys my personal thoughts, I think that this module is fairly interesting, especially when I am a geog major myself:) I did quite well for my tutorial quizzes and I did worked hard for them BUT I am very very annoyed with my score for the fieldwork assignment because of the unfairness in the marking system. I am not blaming the TAs for their inconsistency in their markings but I strongly believe that the Profs should do something about the standardising of marking so that the TAs can follow.I think it is pretty unfair to all students who've put in so much efforts for every assignment just to be a victim of unfair marking. Unfair in terms of SAME answer BUT different marks whattheheck seriously. This reflects so much on NUS's fairness policy. And furthermore, during our midterms for this mod, it was conducted in the auditorium and mind you, the entire auditorium was FILLED and it's simply impossible for us to leave a space between us and our partner(s) unlike my other modules and really,it was soooooooo unfair that some idiots were happily copying away and the prof couldn't even spot them.That was such a shame,imagine how the foreign exchange students would think of NUS's exam standards?I don't know seriously.

All I know is,I worked hard and got a grade that I really deserve and I hope finals would do me justice too.But I do know of others who did not work as hard or relied on copying to get the grades that they DO NOT deserve at all.I just feel so so so cheated and sorry for those who worked as hard but got trampled by those idiots who cheated.But regardless of whether you cheated or not,finals is going to be conducted at MPSH (YAY!) so all the best to those idiots,may the bell curve not be in their favour.


Geog modules have been terrible for this sem,ALL the geog modules really,are huge disappointments.I have a bad feeling that I will screw up very badly for my geog modules and I am really praying hard that I get at least a B+ in all my major modules as I need to do well to minor in that restricted minor of mine:( I did my best for all the assignments and projects and I really don't want to worry about them anymore with finals looming.

That's all for today,I'm really tired,did some productive stuffs since morning and I'm really glad that sem 2 is almost over.Now I will just cast aside any unhappiness over projects ( 2 of my group projects had slackers and idk why they had to be from my own major), setbacks and gonna recharge and start afresh for the race to finals. Wish me luck guys,really need it now,and may I have the mental power to be driven enough in my revision for finals:)

I'm looking forward to this coming summer break with work, SEA Games opening ceremony, NDP2015 preps, Taiwan trip with my besties, geog camp (as a councillor) and to start the new academic year as a sophomore :D

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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