So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Y1S2 Week 8 Elearning week???????????????????????
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Wednesday, March 11, 2015 // 0 comments

So apparently this is week 8 already and after 1 week of school in week 7, NUS decided to give us an elearning "break" at home so we have to complete webcast lectures and online assignments at home like wts?I paid tuition fees to sit at home watching webcasts?Seriously wtf.

Anyway, out of the 5 days in week 8, 2 were spent going back down to NUS for projects meetings,TONS of projects flooding yep,life of a geog major,think twice before you pick geog as your major haha,kidding, LOVE GEOG.Yeah, you shallow guys with bad faculty,geog majors=license to explore the world and all sorts of career not like you pathetic souls who just know of one career-Teaching which obviously is your only potential career you have in your lousy faculty?

I'm in the midst of completing my GEK1538 research, now tidying up at my research info and adding in more stuffs,I seriously doubt we can add in so much info given the small little powerpoint template the prof gave haiz, there goes my efforts......

Did fieldwork for the past few days,horrible but fun too,cause I get to meet people from all walks of life,interacting and learning from them is just so fun:)

Yay, 5 more weeks to the official end of sem 2 projects,but 7 more weeks to the monster FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gahhhhhhhhhh.Submitted my SEP application last week and hopefully I get a slot for Y2S2 since many people told me that Sem 2 is usually more horrible than Sem 1 so I just hope to be able to escape from NUS in the next sem 2 woohooooooo.Praying hard for my application.Sem 2 is really crazy plus stupid me went to take up 2 CCAs wow,how "smart" but anyways, as long as I enjoy what I am doing,NO REGRETS!:)I really don't want to waste my life mugging away and in the end,I may screw up my academics and at the same time,no portfolio to boost my resume,that would be god damn sad.

Lastly,I don't understand why people have been asking me to join Arts camp and Geog camp as if they don't know about my own commitments.I understand that they want us to give back to what we have taken-camp experiences but mind you, we PAID for the camp and I went for the camp solely to get to know more people before I start uni as none of my ex-classmates/schoolmates I know are going to the same major as me.I will definitely give back,but on a ad-hoc basis,you can't possibly force someone who's not at all interested in camps to sign up and pay to be an OGL or councillor when the passion is just not there.That applies to whatever you do in life,you do something you really have interest in,or nothing gets done properly.Sad to see so many selfish people out there expecting others to share the same passion as them when others to impose any restrictions to the way they lead their life.I may be quietly listening and agreeing to what you've said but deep down,I get to know who are the good understanding friends and who are not.

Very very last part,I know that the A level juniors just got their A level results back I think last week,just wanna tell them as a senior who went through all these shit just one year ago,follow your heart,don't let others decide for you,you're the one who went through thick and thin for the A level and nobody has the right to dictate your life.The option is yours,you shape your future the way you want,no one is gonna help you live your life if you make the wrong decision.Uni applications are open right now,be SURE to submit it before the deadline,attend those open house,GET FREEBIES and clarify all doubts you might have.For those who didn't do as well,I'm really sorry to hear it,I'm really sad for my juniors who didn't make it but same suggestion,just visit the open house and learn how to maximise your chances of getting into the school/course of your choice.I did that when I visited the open house last year despite knowing that I met the cut off for the previous years but who knows if the cut-off would fluctuate or not;/ So don't risk it!And even if you don't get your first choice,try appealing,there's always a chance to get what you want,if you try hard enough.

Till then!Wish me luck and hopefully I don't fall ill within this crucial 7 weeks.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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