So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Year 1 Sem 2 Week 4
Saturday, February 7, 2015 Saturday, February 07, 2015 // 0 comments

4 weeks have officially went by,just like that for sem 2:)Yes I'm happy,there's no reason why I should be sad anyway.So tomorrow will be the start of week 5,the start of all nightmares again and I never  did learn my lesson from sem 1. Actually,there's always pros and cons to everything,yes it's true that projects are tedious,and it's ridiculously hectic when all projects have almost similar deadlines which makes everything so chaotic and challenging to handle.Its not like we only have a single project to focus on but MULTIPLE of them wts.

So just like last sem,I am stuck with 4 projects out of the 5 mods I'm taking right now,damn stupid right but there's absolutely no way for a geogprahy major to escape from projects.Come to think of it,projects are actually my savior since I have a tendency to screw up every geog final essay haiz life IS SO UNFAIR.

So most of the projects carry a weightage of at least 40%,so phew,it reduces class participation weightage YAYERS!I hate CP points cause it's just so unfair that only people that gave GOOD response would be given CP like wts right?Shouldnt be students whom bothered to read up and participate be given points as well?!Then might as well the rest of us just STFU and heck care each tutorial discussion since the prof don't even give a damn to our attempts.Stupid education system is pure stupid the end.

Currently,I'm taking 4 geog mods (1 under SSA 3 under GE) and another life science gem.Currently in love with my GE mods except the stupid compulsory GE stats mod.Seriously,I don't get why geog majors have to take such rigorous stats mod I understand that it is to expose us to research methods but they should've put it as a level 1000 mod and not 2000.Please,people like me don't have any interest in bloody mathematics!Urgghh forget it,at least I got a good prof and good project group.

The rest of the mods are okay some so-so but I'm starting to regret taking GEK1538:(It's just not to my liking,too many bio shit and memorisings and stupid labs.

Okay enough to of rantings,shall just shut up and work harder,really want to get the $3000  scholarship and SEP so I ought to stfu and mug instead.Byes.




"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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