So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Random thoughts~
Saturday, December 20, 2014 Saturday, December 20, 2014 // 0 comments

Alright,I'm back here again:)

Hmm,I'm really thankful to have a blog so that at least I could update ongoing stuffs in my life,emotions and whatever,this blog has been with me for more than 5 years and I'm happy that I can archive my thoughts and emotions and review them when I feel compelled to do so,probably 10 or 20 years later?

Just feeling a bit emotional right now (a good one) haha.

So right now,it's a beautiful sunday morning,I'm not working cause this short semester break is only 1 month long,coupled with the laundry list of academic stuffs like timetable and module planning for next semester (which is starting on 12 Jan), release of results on 23 Dec for which I don't understand why I kept feeling worried and scared even though I was really very lucky to be in the first test batch for gradeless first sem.Ok,it's not thoroughly gradeless cause you can count modules that you did well into your CAP but because I'm in the first test batch,there ought to be some cons present for the S/U system which is still unknown to everyone in NUS.But,am still very grateful for the gradeless sem,it really takes off a huge load off my shoulders since I'm a slow learner and takes more time to adapt to new learning environments.

So one year is almost over like that,I can still remember clearly what happened for the past one year,thanks to the cute Rilakumma daily schedule book I keep haha....Speaking of the schedule book,I went to UrbanWrite last week but couldn't a pocket size schedule book which I've been using but I was lucky to be able to find a Rilakuma schedule book albeit being slightly larger and it was the last one!Phewwwww. Then I saw a pretty schedule book,similar to my Rilakuma one but other Japanese cartoon which I'm not aware of,and because it looked nice and cute,I decided to buy it for my sis and gosh,IT WAS NOT CHEAP AT ALL,$22 for one schedule book!But yeah I decided to go ahead buying since we would be able to use it for 1 year and a pretty schedule book will help in motivating me to study harder:DD Unfortunately,my sister doesn't have the habit to keep a schedule book so I'm thinking of giving it away:((((((((((((((((((((((So if anyone in SG is interested in that schedule book,please comment in my chatbox and email me!I can't really give to my friends as I only have 1 book and there's so many friends out there,a bit sad if the rest find out that they don't have it...

It has been 2 weeks after my last paper for finals,life has been really good for me,slacking on the sofa reading magazines,newspapers,sleeping till noon,sleeping at 1-2am,watching Korean dramas,eating good food and going out with friends are practically things that I've done for the past few weeks.It is weird that although it is the holidays and I ought to give myself a break and do whatever I wish to do,but I can't help but worry about lots of things especially finances.As you guys already know,I'm not working now,but I do intend to look for a job after my Sem 2 finals,but I've spent so much on academic stuffs for Sem 1 and would be spending as much for Sem 2, as well as food, and shopping trips.Plus I'm planning to go for an overseas trip to Taiwan next year with my secondary school besties.All these definitely would strain my wallet since I don't have an income but I really don't like to jeopardise my grades by working part-time during term-time,and things gonna get way more serious next sem without gradeless sem and everyone would be mugging so damn hard.

In NUS,it's totally a different ball game,despite us having a gradeless first sem now,everyone studied soooooo hard that I'm constantly on my toes and was like a mad woman running here and there to make sure everything is submitted or completed promptly so that I won't lose out in this rat race.It is very different in uni now compared to secondary school and JC,sometimes I really wonder why did JC teachers love to lie to us so much that uni life is the best stage of academic life....

Perhaps it's just me that's whining over this,frankly speaking,I don't really have much "Sense of Place" (geog term to describe one's perception,ties and feelings for a particular place) since I'm not staying on campus (best decision I've ever made) and I don't have a CCA (nope I don't intend to join one in NUS,perhaps just occasional volunteering with NUS PEACE society since I don't have to fight for those rubbish hall points etc) plus I can easily spice up my portfolio by volunteering more frequently at external organisations or sign up for OCIPs haha.I really don't get it why would people want to stay in hall without a scholarship?I mean it doesn't make sense to pay so much yet still have to work so hard for hall points and some even have to work part-time to cover their hall expenses which defeats the purpose of staying close to school so you can save up time for mugging,frequent suppers for those staying in halls are not cheap too.I mean come on,how BIG can Singapore be?Look at those kids in China who lives several HUNDRED kilometres from their schools could survive travelling to and fro school by WALKING or CYCLING and here we got better public transportation and some are even more fortunate to have parents fetching them so why stay in school???I really can't comprehend....It's not like I can't afford paying for hostels therefore Im whining here but I'm just really glad that I made the decision to not stay in school and not succumb to peer pressure cause 9 out of 10 of my friends stay in school.Am really really glad,because I managed to save hundreds of dollars without hostel plus the Concession scheme allowed us non-hall people to save up so much on transportation:)

The only sensible reason that hall people gave me is-to experience hall life,that I have nothing to say,but in my opinion,I'm not a person who's interested in unnecessary experiences.

Yes,I may sound weird to many people out there,but I've learnt we don't always have to click with most people but just be ourselves,cause at the end of the day,it is you,yourself that is suffering and not others,so why harm yourself physically,mentally,emotionally,financially and most importantly,your GRADES.

Mental note to myself:I NEED TO STUDY DAMN HARD AND SMART to make myself visible in this ruthless,cold,competitive world.Strive to be strong,know your enemies and allies,know your priorities,strengths and emerge triumphant in the society (and enjoy seeing those lagging behind for various reasons) years of being invisible definitely shaped me into a different person,and I'm not more motivated than ever to prove my worth.

Alight,next week is going to be a super hectic week,with more cafe hopping,surveys to complete,trips to make down to NUS and celebrating Christmas,and I'm sure it would be so fun!


With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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