So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Recess week!
Sunday, September 21, 2014 Sunday, September 21, 2014 // 0 comments

With so many tasks on hand,I really need to question myself why on earth am I here?

But you see,it's been so long since I last updated this space and its already the end of Week 6 of my Year 1 Sem 1 life!:D

Alright,I really need to get this done fast so I can focus and get the 4 projects done and START ON MY REVISION for mid-terms.Well,as mentioned before,I'm in NUS FASS,really love the decision I made to switch to Arts from Science,because I just wanted to get rid of Maths in my timetable,to me,uni life is hectic and tiring enough and I shouldn't spend too much efforts and time figuring out how to solve sums,that really doesn't make any sense to me.The 20-facts-about-me craze is being again,and please follow me on Instagram to view my 20 facts @cheryl_ljm hahaha self-promoting.

So six weeks in NUS has been a mixture of good and bad thus far.I've met many good friends and not-so-good ones,friends,if you happen to chance upon this,which I doubt so,please reflect and I'm sure you know which group you belong too:)I'm taking 5 mods this sem,which is the norm for all NUS student,except for those high-callibre ones or under UTCP.I'm not that smart nor hardworking and hence,I will just follow the norm.GAHHHHHH the nasty haze is back again T.T

The 5 mods I'm currently taking is GE1101,SC1101,SN1101,EL1101 and GEK1515.Don't judge or laugh at me NUS guys,I know I'm outright stupid,but since it's GRADELESS FIRST SEM-WHY THE HELL NOT?!SENIORS-BE JEALOUS!So,for those who're not in NUS FASS,those codes will seem alien to you guys,but fret not,they aren't that scary.I'm taking geog(my intended major),sociology,english language,south asian studies and environmental biology. Sounds artsy?yes? The reason why I have to take so many mods besides my major is because NUS has this policy of developing all-rounded individuals so for each faculty,students have to do a minimum of certain number of mods outside your own faculty to graduate,so for this sem,I've decided to clear all my exposure modules YAY!BEST CHOICE EVAAAAAAA, and managed to squeeze in a GEM mod.Though I'm from arts,I have to take a minimum of 3 science modules and 2 other faculty modules:( Fortunately,I was from the science stream in JC so my life isn't as bad as those from arts stream heheh.I'm intending to just take chemistry to fulfil all my requirements.duhhhhh.

So the past few weeks was pretty hectic,I'm trying to adapt myself to the uni system,I'm not staying on campus so it means that I have to travel to and fro 25 mrt stations and spend like 45 minutes to take a public bus and NUS's internal shuttle bus.Every morning is like a battle,there's no problem waking up since I'm a morning person but it's more of squeezing public transport and the damn crowded shuttle bus.Since I'm living at Pasir Ris,there's usually no problem for me to get a seat on the MRT,damn I really can't stand for 25 stations and it's not fun at all,I encountered this for 3 times so far:(So usually I will just fight for a seat with those working adults and either catch up on some sleep or do some readings but since the MRT is constantly jerking and so noisy,it's really not productive to study at all:( But at least I tried.

I signed up for NUS CSC,which is a form of service learning CCA but it's not on a regular basis so we only serve when there's volunteering events so I still prefer volunteering on my own with ASD:) And since I'm not staying in halls whatsoever,I don't have to fight for hall points to secure my place in hall for the next academic year so YEAH!FREEDOM!But it translates to 4 hours of travelling to and fro school EVERYDAY,but I don't regret my decision to not stay on campus,because I get to study more and save up and not spend time socialising ending up sacrificing my sleep time or screw my health for eating supper every night:P NUS has 6 halls in total,4 UTown residences,RVRC and PGPR so that's quite a lot of accomodation choices,but I think none really suits me.

Coming to the academic part,the reason why I said that most will think that I'm dumb is because all my mods have projects,be it a big one or small they are time-consuming like seriously,I really developed a phobia having to do so many projects in a sem:( But since this sem is S/U-able,I'm just gonna take it slightly easier and do my best,but of course,my priority will still be on geog since it's my intended major.People in NUS are much more competitive compared to in JC and Sec Sch,with those foreign talents and all,I'm really starting to be worried about my future,but right now,I'm forcing myself to buck up,I'm just so lazy..Oh and speaking of uni life,it's just so different from the secondary school and JC system,right here,we get to decide on the mods we want to take,plan our own timetables and do our own revision without any help from the profs and tutors.It's so independent here that I really miss my JC timetable and teachers:(I guess I'm too used to spoon-feeding and have everything planned out for me,but I'm happy that I survived my first CORS bidding and tutorial balloting in NUS. NUS should really scrape away these crazy lecture,tutorial allocation system,it's really too stressful for us to go through this every single sem or risk getting 0 modules..I really don't appreciate the CORS system,it's just so ridiculously unfair.But life is full of unfairness,I gotta learn to stop whining and hone my skills to squeeze up the internal shuttle bus every morning,for the past 1 week,the shuttle bus situation has improved slightly and I sincerely hope that this isn't a one-off affair.

Alright,that's all for the short update,I ought to really catch up now for my mid-terms and recess week is no longer a break for me:((( It's a project and revision week,but I'm happy:) At least I don't have to travel to school yay!Really love to jot down my thoughts in this blog regardless of whether anyone will chance upon this or not,but it's just for me to reflect later on after I completed some milestones in life.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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