So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

NDP Tickets 2014~
Sunday, July 6, 2014 Sunday, July 06, 2014 // 0 comments

NDP 2014 Tickets,woots!I got green sector,anyone with yellow sector tickets or tickets with other dates and are keen to exchange with me for these 3 tickets please email me at or pm me on Facebook using the same email address thanks!:DAnd I WON'T be selling the tickets,STRICTLY for exchanging only so don't bother to ask for the prices.

Hello!I'm back here again!It's Sunday today so I'm here rotting and wasting my time away.I'm fully aware that slacking time like this are limited,the horror of studying 24/7 (of course not all day everyday for me lol,I'm too lazy to accomplish that level of true blue mugging) will start in no time:( How I wish I can spend the entire of my life like now,getting temporary jobs and quitting as and when I like,having a bit of financial freedom,working and spending depending on how much I earn,but once school starts,I really don't have the luxury of working to fund my cravings-be it material goods or food or some weird fetish I may have in the future..

Many things happened during the past few days,first I received an email from NUS regarding completion of the online pre-registration and I completed it on the first day,just that I've yet to complete the tuition grant thing since poor me do not have a printer at home and my dad is reluctant to help me print at his office stating that he's too damn busy with his own work...OK....I'm planning to print when I meet Ivan after my geog camp and take this opportunity to catch up and have lunch with him:)Been soooooo long since we last interact with each other properly,should be since the end of A level last year lol,cause we're simply too occupied with our own commitments.

And did I mentioned in my previous posts,I've collected my SGC finally,since everyone I know,be it from other JCs or from my school,they've collected theirs damn long ago~But yeah,I love my SGC,they're things that students ought to look forward too and work hard to get it at the end of their education:D

Then I also received a confirmation email from NUS geog camp,the only major(as in area of specialisation in NUS) camp that I signed up for.I wanted to sign up for Social work camp too,cause it's going to be a 3 day 2 night camp,kinda short but I love these camps,short and sweet,but it was too late,one of the SW camp OGL emailed me and told me that the slots were all filled:( but nevertheless I'm still pretty glad that I've signed up for Geog camp,and I'm sooooo excited for next thursday to come.Hopefully it's gonna be funnnnnn but I just don't like the idea of having to go through Fright Night a second time after the horrible experience during Fright Night in Arts Camp:(

I also received an email from the Campus Tour an CORS Bidding 2 comittee to confirm my place for the 26 July 12pm slot:)Am so lucky to have signed up early because the next time I visited the webpage,they stated that all slots are filled,to me,I rather miss out on camps compared to the Campus Tour thingy cause it is what we are going to do for the next 4 years of our lives,and being stuck at a loss not knowing the dates,tricks,instructions on how to choose and bid our mods really sucks,it affects your CAP badly I assume.So yeah,thank God that I was quick enough to sign up for both camps and the Campus Tour:)

So many emails from NUS yeah?Hahaha,they're working towards being more environmentally friendly lol,following the footsteps of Pulau NTU..

Then the best present from my sis came yesterday night,drum rolls please*.*3 NDP NE 1 Tickets!!!!!!!!!!
I shall not elaborate on how my sis got the tickets again,if you're interested to know how she managed to get it through proper ways,follow me on my instagram @cheryl_ljm hahaha promoting my IG here,I want more followers!:))So I'm going to juggle between geog camp and NDP next saturday,gonna leave camp in the morning on saturday then return back to NUS after ndp for the finale night,it's so damn troublesome to dress up and all,given that I'm definitely in my shirt and shorts for ndp,so I have to rush back to the hall and get changed to my formal set:( blehhhh,just hope that everything goes well,no hatred,no disappointments etc,because geog camp is actually something that I'm really interested in,and it's gonna be my potential major and people whom I'm going to attend tutorials,lectures,saikang-ing,eat et cetra for the next 4 years,pray for me guys,gonna fly off to CATASGEOPHY'14^.^

Oh yeah,before I forget,I've finally resigned from ICA and last thursday,3 July was the last day of work,soooooooo friggin happy!After all the scoldings from the public and senior staffs,which we temp staffs do not deserve such treatments at all since we did absolutely NOTHING WRONG,I think that it's time for us to leave and stop being punching bags for the public and perm staffs to vent their anger at when it's during peak periods when the waiting time gets super long or passport requests increases.It was one hell of an experience that I wouldn't even want to remember....hopefully all the other fellow temp staffs will start leaving soon:)yep and I'm just following suit quitting asap hahaha,I guess I could only make this decision since I'm not in need of cash:P Otherwise,I will have to tolerate all the nonsense till school starts,how miserable..

I will be heading to Bishan with mom tomorrow since I'm not working anymore yay!Hope to update as soon as I return from geog camp,meanwhile do support this blog by leaving comments thanks so much!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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