So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

More about me:D
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Tuesday, July 08, 2014 // 0 comments

I know this may sound a bit random to many of you out there,and may make me look like a 12/13 year-old teen giving some info about oneself but this is my blog sooooo,I shall do whatever I'm please with:)No offence,but please leave if you have no interest:)

1)I have a very VERY common full name which I think is a no-brainer and is super annoying when so many people in this universe shares the same FULL name lol.
2)I have a younger sister who's 2 years younger than me.
3)Gonna be 20 sooooon,looking forward so I can celebrate my BIG 21!
4)I play 4 instruments,Piano,Violin,Viola and the Recorder(almost every Singaporean kid knows how to play recorder).
5)I'm a freethinker,not that I don't believe in God,I just don't want to commit my time or my soul or whatsoever to a particular religion unless someone manage to brainwash me and succeeds.
6)Prefers dogs over cats.
7)I have a shi tzu named by me.
8)Single and happy.
9)I love my family very much just that I don't show it and they think I treat other people better than the way I treat them>.<
10)I've worked at 5 different places but all are short term jobs,really suck at finding jobs.
11)Been in performing arts and clubs for my CCAs.
12)I was a wild,carefree,talkative,lazy kid when I was in kindergarten and primary school.
13)I did extremely bad for my psle and paid the price,but all turned out well in the end,happy!
14)Struggled like mad in JC and thought I won't be able to make it into any local uni with my pathetic prelim rank points.
15)Prefer arts over sciences but I tend to do better in sciences except math,irony.
16)Science student in JC,but Arts student in Uni.
17)I took PCMG in JC,killer combi with doube H2 sciences (2times the number of SPA periods compared to other Science students lol,stupid me).
18)Was always the top 10 students in school exams for geog in the cohort but ended up with less-than-expected grades during national exams,but my love for GEOG will never end.
19)Many people say that I'm damn hardworking,attentive,good at planning but I think they made a huge mistake.
20)My normal voice is louder than average girls,sometimes even boys,so public speaking is nothing to me.
21)I love pastel colours.I hate yellow ttm.
22)Fan of NDP performances and the fun packs but always didn't succeed in balloting for tickets till this year when my sis got tickets through volunteering.
23)Besides playing instruments,I suck at basically everything,with absolutely no talents in cooking,singing,baking,sports,drawing,dancing etc..
24)Really dislike math and suck at math.But weird thing was I scored distinctions for both Emath and Amath in  Olevel lol.
25)Took higher chinese for 10 years.
26)Was in SAP schools for my primary and secondary education heheh:)
27)Really don't understand boys and the way they behave.
28)Phobia of many things-heights,spiders,cockroaches,lizards,leeches,snakes and much more.
29)Can't eat seafood at all except fish.
30)Was allergic to milk when I was a toddler and would puke whenever I drank milk so ribena was the alternative that explains why I have no strength to even open a bottle cap when it's new and my bones making sounds when I stand or sit.Lousy bones.
31)Observant rather than a participant.
32)Love to plan everything in advance so I can minimise any possible hiccups.But many people call me kiasu,whatever~
33)Wanted to go to a school with pinafore as their uniform but didn't got the chance to,my lifetime regret if I don't get to wear a pinafore before I die...
34)Really dislike kids,unless the kid behaves like a human,according to my mom,I was a damn good kid when I was young,rarely cried,and was traumatised by the wailings of my younger sis hahahaha.
35)BHB a bit,many of my teachers think that I'm a model student,but really,I'm not.
36)Till today,I can't figure out how twitter works,I only have Facebook,instagram and blogger accounts.
37)Rarely get to travel overseas as I'm not really rich so I'm pinning all travelling hopes on my schools so that I get to travel at a subsidised rate:P
38)Not a fan of camps,IMO they're tiring,noisy,dirty,waste of time and money but I got no choice but to attend at least 2 camps before uni starts to know how uni works and get to know some friends since my classmates went to other unis or faculties and I don't have any older cousins or siblings in my uni/course.
39)I'm an introvert,prefer to do things alone and prefer staying at home.Don't mind staying at home 24/7:)
40)Never failed to chicken out during fright nights or haunted house exploration in theme parks-no balls.
41)I really love blogging.
42)Can only cycle,can't skate at all despite attending a 2 hour skating lesson in JC.
43)Keeps a daily diary to keep track of my commitments.
44)I'm usually punctual only if I'm meeting people who are punctual.
45)Don't like having my papers folded/crumpled/dirties/torn etc.Hate people who doesn't take care of my books/notes when I lend it to them.
46)Doesn't like to borrow/ lend money to others,I will make it a point to return the amount I borrowed in the shortest time possible,I believe this is basic respect and courtesy that all civilised people ought to have.
47)Sweets and chocolates are my soft spots.
48)Can't take spicy food.
49)I usually wear the same attire over and over again,usually school-based clothes but my mom loves to buy new clothes for me and nag at me for wearing the same thing again.
50)One day,I hope to summon enough courage to shave my head BALD.
51)Works better in a more competitive environment.Thrives better being a small fish in a big pond than vice versa.
52)I only open up to teachers I like and feel comfortable interacting with,same goes to other people.
53)Sometimes I wish I had a older brother.
54)I hate ignorant,arrogant,loud,fake and selfish people.
55)I love my secondary school- Nan Chiau High's noodles I believe everyone loves it too^^
56)I love my secondary school the most-compared to kindergarten,primary school,JC and uni.
57)My chinese is way better than my english be it in terms of spoken or written.
58)Food I like-minced meat noodles,stingray,western food and roasted chicken wings at 85 Bedok,most fried food except those with meat,prefer to have it shredded in that case,sweet stuffs,chilled flavoured drinks.
59)My first clubbing experience was during Arts camp 14 and it was a great experience but I won't club alone or with friends unless in organised school events,cause I don't feel safe in noisy and dark rowdy environments.
60)I'm someone who's more pessimistic than optimistic.

That's all for today~Time check,1 more day to Geog camp!

Can't wait to finish TFIOS and start on Inferno by Dan Brown,had a great shopping/eating session with mummy at Bishan yesterday!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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