So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Happy Mother's Day 2014!
Saturday, May 10, 2014 Saturday, May 10, 2014 // 0 comments

Today is Mother's Day,wishing all mums in this world a happy celebration for their contributions of their love,youth,savings and everything else that all mums would do for their family without hesitation.

To all children out day,please take this opportunity to do something for your awesome mum,it may not be something expensive,I believe just a simple card,may be made out of recyclables or just a simple Thank-You or hug will make your mum's day a million times better.I love you mummy! As a small token of appreciation for all the love my mum gave us,my sis and I pooled in some funds to buy a pair of pretty floral earrings with our own pay,heck care about my iPhone 5S I rather spend on my mum's gift yay!

At first,we wanted to treat my mum to Swee Choon or some atas restaurant that my mum loves but doesn't want to spend too much on food but on us,or a high quality bird's nest as mentioned in my previous post,but we arrived at this decision to buy a pair of earrings because my mum have always wanted a pair of pretty white-gold earrings but again didn't want to spend too much on it,however I felt that giving her something that she could keep for many years instead of a meal that only can only be eaten once was more worthwhile for my practical mum.NO REGRETS!Probably one of the best decision we made:) Then yesterday,my family had dinner together at Bedok 85 eating our usual food,minced meat noodles,stingray,chicken wings,fried oyster,I can say I spent a bulk of my childhood at Bedok,since my primary school is located in Bedok and my grandfather lives there,so I go there quite often.Again,the food there is never-disappointing. Before I forget,I finally got to remove my braces after 3+ years last last friday!The process was quick as usual,my not-so-friendly dentist Dr Wong was always efficient so my visits never once exceeded 1 hour:)

It was quite painful I wouldn't deny but it didn't last long,it felt really goooooood once all the wires and brackets were gone,it's like pressure-released (geography weathering term ahahaha) and I gt my almost-perfect set of teeth,it's so nice,way back before I got braces,my teeth were super hideous especially the bottom set,I never felt so happy to smile.I got my retainers,hawley retainers for the top set and clear ones for the bottom.I really love the hawley retainers as they are so comfortable like it's not in your mouth though they in fact are and they are very easy to put on and remove.As for the clear ones,they're very uncomfortable as they eat into your gums when put on since they're so tight and they are SUPER hard to remove,gosh,how I hope the day to change my clear retainers come soon.Besides those,all was good,it made me believe that all money spent and pain for braces was worth it:) Right now,I'm currently unemployed again also mentioned in the previous post and I really enjoy rotting at home.Every night,I made a mental note to go for a run in the morning at pasir ris beach but when I wake up the next morning,it's another story.

However,I still stick or try to stick with my daily routine to catch up on current affairs and my story books,I'm currently reading Jeffery Deaver's Carte Blanche,almost finishing,it was kinda cliche and dull in the morning like the usual murder story plots but towards the back,things started picking up and I'm enjoying it! No plans for the next week as of now,great,I don't want to occupy myself with too much commitments now,except for outings with family or friends or doing necessary work or running errands for my family,feels good to be useful :)And I love doing household chores nowadays because it helps me kill time and in a way I can spend some of my energy in doing something useful. Next Saturday,I will be fully occupied from morning to night as from 11am to 6pm I will be at NUS FASS attending the Arts Open House with my parents and friends and you know,from pasir ris to kent ridge,it's a freaking 2 hours!

Then after 6 pm,I will be heading to East Coast Park to join my relatives for a BBQ session,looking forward to it and I'm so going to bring my polaroid to spam my films before they expire... Speaking of uni,I'm looking forward to it and yet not,because I know myself well,how I'm not a go-getter,but a lazy sloth but yet looking forward because I will be in my dream school studying what I love and not what I dislike,AND YAY NO MORE MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's really surprising to not only myself but many people whom I know personally,how I thought I was a science person in JC and switched to arts in uni hahahaha,beats me,I don't understand too.That's all,my fingers are really tired of typing using my ridiculous laptop that have really shallow key board,can't wait to save enough to buy a new one with better key board,can't imagine having to type thousands of words for my uni assignments and projects with this laptop but my current laptop is fairly new,like 3 years only and I doubt my dad will agree to my idea of buying a new one though with my own money.

That's all,good day!

 With Love, Cheryl



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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