So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Monday, April 21, 2014 Monday, April 21, 2014 // 0 comments

Again,this blog post is produced during my working time!heheh,I'm not eating snake:X

Since my supervisor took medical leave half-day and I've completed all the task given to me this morning while he was still here,I'm kinda free right now WOOTS!:DD I'm really thankful that time seems to pass so fast today and it's 4pm now,just ignore the time shown on my blog post as it's not accurate due to some html problem and obviously I'm not IT-saavy so don't expect me to be able to solve that problem-.-

2 more hours to go and I'm done for today!The main motivation for me to wake up early and come to work everyday-wasting 8.5 hours of my life 5 days per week is my pay,since my dad stopped giving me monthly allowance,I have to rely on my own to work for my own pocket money,that's why I have to work and I don't really like the idea of getting money from my mom since she really works hard to earn it though minimal.I feel really accomplished whenever I spend on stuffs that I like using my own money earned from all my efforts,but after working for 4 months now,I can only say that I prefer studying than working.I missed having thousands of deadlines to meet,lectures to rush to,listening to teachers' yelling,gossiping with friends,missing our lunches due to consultations after consultations,dreading PE,and failing napfa almost everytime,really miss those old school days but I know,they are all well,history.

Speaking of which,I really miss my beloved Geography and GP tutor-Mr Christopher Chen and Ms Deepa,they're so awesome that I don't mind studying geog and GP all over again:)After a short chat last night over Instagram with fellow S209 geographers,I really feel that we should thank our teachers in person,and update them on where we're heading in future,I mean they've contributed so much to our lives and didn't ask for much,just hoped that we put in our best and see us succeed,that's all our teachers want from us.If any 122S209 teacher manage to see this blog post,which I doubt so because almost none of my JC friends know about this blog,only my secondary school friends were aware of(I want to treat this as a personal private diary just that I decided to unlock it so that I can assure myself that someone out there is reading my misery,happiness,success,failure,literally what I feel or else I might explode like a balloon one day)....

To Ms Perlin (JC2 Math Tutor)

I'm really apologetic towards you for not being able to complete my math homework on time twice.I know that struggling with other subjects and not liking math doesn't give me the right to not complete my math homework.I'm thankful for all the help you gave me before A level and I believe that if you've taught our class since JC1,I would've been able to know you better and be more comfortable interacting with you instead of being reserved whenever you talked to me.Till today,I'm still unable to look at you into the eye when conversing and yeah,I just want to let you know that no matter how little we've interacted,I appreciate all your help and encouragements.

To Ms Deepa (JC1&2 GP Tutor)

Ms Deepa,if I can give you a virtual hug,HERE IT ISSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!)Thank you sooooooo much Ms Deepa,you're the best English teacher I've ever came across.I still remember the first time I stepped into your GP class,you made us sit in a circle for an activity,and my mind was instantly,OH GOSH,GP is what?!!!HAHAHAHA,call it miracle,you can,but to me,it's your dedicated efforts and passion for teaching GP that helped me achieve a grade for GP at A level that I would never dream of--since I was in Chinese-medium schools for 11 years and I'm always stronger in my mother tongue compared to English.Teaching me GP was never easy since I had so much grammatical errors and the problem of not answering the question,QA!!!!!I really love the way you pronounce my name:SHARE-LEAUH,and no pun intended-I really love it whenever you called me in class,you're probably one of the sweetest teacher ever,the B that I got for GP,is for you,Ms Deepa,if you happen to see this post by me,I want to tell you that,you've sparked the passion in me for English and I'm going to embark on a journey related to linguistics/arts in uni!I want to do you proud!:)

To Ms Lee (JC1&2 Physics Tutor)

Hi Ms Lee,yeah!!!!!!Me:"Can I take a pic with you?" You:"YEAH SURE!wait uh" OMG!WE DID IT!!!!!!!Let me guess,I should be one of the most horrible physics students you've ever came across and I hope I didn't affect your interest in teaching H2 physics.I can see that you're really passionate in teaching physics and physics as a subject itself,initially I had doubts in you too,since you're a really new teacher in MJ,but nonetheless,as time passed by,you proved me wrong.Coming from a student that have never passed a single physics teat/exam since J2,although I couldn't understand most of the lectures and tutorials,you always made sure that I understood at the end of the day by asking me to repeat or try to solve a question either in class or during our one-to-one consults since I'm the last few in position for physics in class.The only time that I teared in MJ,was the time when you gave me a pen,though I failed so badly in prelim while the class did so well.I really felt so useless,not just unable to contribute to the class ranking,but dragging the whole class's MSG down,but it was you who did not gave up on me and always reminding me of miracles that will happen if I work hard.And we did!We did it!Our efforts paid off:)We sacrificed our breaks,rushing to and fro the study benches and LT 4,and you risking your reputation by putting me in band A,oh gosh,I was expecting myself to be in Band C and worse........The B that I got for H2 physics is dedicated to you,Ms Lee,thank you sooooooo much!

To Mr Ong (JC1&2 Chemistry Tutor)

Mr Ong,first,I want to apologise to you for not being a good chemistry rep since 9 out of 10 times I did not answered your calls to collect stuffs for the class and you had to either get someone else to collect on behalf of me or you had to collect yourself,I'm really so sorry because my phone is always in my bag during school hours.Secondly,I also want to apologise to you for not being able to get a distinction in A level due to my carelessness and complacency.I still remember that I did extremely bad for my chemistry in J1 to the point where I got strings of Us and at that time,grade S was like my dream come true,felt so stupid all the time in MJ for chemistry.Till JC2 when I first got banded into LT4,I told myself to work super hard and get myself into LT5,nad eventually I got the hang of Chemistry and landed in LT5 all the way:)But as I did fairly well in prelim,top 5 in class,I got complacent and put my focus on other subjects and neglecting chemistry at times,which I really regret though I prepared for chem too,but let bygones be bygones,my chemistry journey has come to an end and it's time to show appreciation to you,as a chemistry tutor for the 2 memorable years of my JC life.

To Mr Chen (JC1&2 Geography Tutor)

Dear Mr Chen,I decided to put you at the last because there's a saying: "leave the best for the last" :P Yes!You're the best teacher I've ever met,and probably the best teacher in my life.I REALLY WANT TO SAY SORRY TO YOU FOR BEING SO STUPID AND USELESS AND SCREWED UP MY GEOG AT A LEVEL:(((((((Although I fought hard to hold back my tears when I received my devastating A level geog results,my heart was really sore and I cried for 4 nights reflecting what you've done to help me in my geog,I was so devastated,but I told myself not to cry in front of you,one person feeling the pain is way better than two.I shouldn't be so selfish as your class may need to more for support and encouragements and guidance since you're the CT of your class and not mine,you did your part,but I did not,even till now,as I type this post,I really feel like tearing,I can go on and on crying but nothing will change the grade printed on my exam slip for Geog.You may ask me,"did you do your best?" My answer:"yes and no" Yes because I did practised a lot for geog for the past two years,but no because I did not get the grade that we expected.I really want to let you know that I got into your Alma Mater-NUS FASS and I'm probably going to follow your footsteps taking geog in NUS but I feel shameless if I let you know this,not until I achieve something glorious that you can be proud of.Even my parents think that my idea of taking geog as my major is stupid but I'm just going to dive into this trench of darkness without any second thoughts,I WANT TO DO YOU PROUD.When the appropriate time arrives,I will make sure you,Mr Chen,my most beloved and fatherly geog teacher to be the first one who know.All glory to you.

To all my PE teachers, Thanks but no thanks,I do appreciate all your efforts in ensuring that we live healthy BUT I DONT LIKE SPORTS,why you guys like to force me into something that I can't do,and despite the fact that I have a medical condition that prevent me from doing sports to the best of my ability.But yeah,I appreciate having you guys as my PE teachers for 2 years.

That's all,time to go,it's 5pm now,I took 1 hour to type this.I love you teachers!

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ― William Arthur Ward

“There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.” ― Robert Frost

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” ― Aristotle

With Love, Cheryl



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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