So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Back from a long hiatus
Friday, April 4, 2014 Friday, April 04, 2014 // 0 comments

From the title of this post,I'm sure you smart guys would be able to get the main crux of today's post:)

YUP I'M BACK!But I'm sure I will be going on a next phase of hiatus again,as much as I really hope to be able to update this personal space of mine,but I'm either simply too lazy or busy to do so,which I believe the latter is just an excuse:X Anyway,I created this blog few years back then with the idea of sharing my thoughts or a personal space where I can vent my unhappiness or a refuge which I can seek after a horrible day in this realistic and competitive world instead of satisfying anyone's needs.I believe I've wasted many years of my life satisfying people's emotions,decisions and whatsoever in real life,everything I did,I cared about other's feeling though I can't possibly satisfy everyone right?So for those whom are affected by any decision I made,here's my apologies.

Ok,this is like one of the few times I update my blog using my laptop instead of my phone so typing on a keyboard compared to my iPhone is much more daunting and slower for me.I guess it won't be long before I get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for excessive use of handphone.Not something to be proud of though>.<

I collected my A level results on 3 March 2014.The day that we,JC kids face the reality of life.For the poly students,even though they don't do well for their GPA to qualify for uni,at least they can still fall back on their diploma,but we,A level holders have nothing to fall back on,what can a mere A level cert do in our lives?Seriously,I don't know.Ever since I did pretty badly for my PSLE,I've made up my mind to get myself into somewhere that is more well-respected and accepted by the society,I had enough of comparisons made by adults and being looked down by relatives and peers for not doing well in academics.I admit I'm not a hard-worker to begin with,neither am I born with the intelligence that allows be to sail through the Singapore education.I did quite okay in secondary school,not bragging about myself,but secondary school was were I performed to my best of ability but was restricted in subject combinations due to my academic stream but at least then,I had a goal,that I must work hard to get into a JC.

And I did.

I stepped into a JC believing that I would not be able to survive there since the people who get into JC are generally more academically-inclined.There was many a times,I was on the verge of giving up or breaking down,but after two years,I'm proud to say,I did not shed a single tears in JC ever.Maybe because I had extremely low expectations of myself given the background I was from.

Though my A level rank point is not as good as most of my peers,but I'm still somewhat satisfied with my results.I'm sooooooooo happy and proud that most of us qualify for local uni and I'm very grateful to be placed in S209 after all.The journey that we spent as a class,though we were not that bonded,I'm so happy to see that all our efforts did paid off in the end.I think everyone in 12S209 got results that they desired.On 3 March,I was actually as calm as a cat,strolling to MJ although it waas almost time to report to my alma matter from my interning school,East View Sec and talked to some of my classmates.It was till the results was released to us then I started to feel worried.My A level results meant a lot to me.I don't want to land myself in a situation where everyone else can get into a local uni of their choice but I'm left behind having to go through the poly route.I mean if I were to get into a poly after all the troubles preparing for A level,why not I go to a poly to start with in the first place,it's just so not worth it.Thankful that I got A2 for my Higher Chinese 2 years ago,that gives me an A in H1 chinese as equivalent which helped to improve my UAS!THANKFUL FOR NCHS!

Then comes the problem,since my rank points was not too good nor too bad as in it qualifies me for the courses that I'm interested in,I'm not that kind who does well and aims for top courses like Law,Medicine,Business etc...I just hope to get into a course which I am passionate for so that I won't drown in misery for the next 4/5 years.

Being typical parents,my mom was constantly worried and fretting that if I get into my first choice,I won't have a sound career prospect besides being a teacher and yep from my experience being an intern teacher,teaching is just not my calling as much as I love my kids in EVSS.

Plus a huge disappointment in my A level was my strongest and favourite subject--Geography.It was not that I didn't expect it to turn out so badly(no improvement from my prelim score though I was in the top 10 in my cohort) I believe that I'm just not fated to reap the fruit that I sowed for this subject in major exams,but internally,I've always did rather decently,a subject that I'm always proud of besides chinese:)

Since the uni application are closed on 1 April,I guess it's now safe for me to announce my choices without fearing for competition.I'm looking at NUS only though I applied to NTU too,but since I'm like almost 10 points above the 10th percentile for my first choice for NTU,I think I would definitely get into my first choice for NTU-.-

The reason why I'm only keen on NUS is because I'm planning to go for a switch from the science stream to an Arts faculty.The decision I made was not easy but was made after due consideration.From this super long blog post,it can be seen that writting long essays is definitely not a chore for me but rather I really enjoy it compared to using my brain to solve math questions-.-With crossed-fingers,I'm still praying that I get accepted to my first choice in NUS:)

NUS Choices:
1.Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
2.Environmental Studies
3.Faculty of Science
4.Real Estate
5.Environmental enginering

Though NUS gave us 8 choices to choose from but I'm only interested in the top 3 so even if I got into the rest(touch wood),I will reject them and appeal for my first 3 choices.

I got a # for GP in A level,similar to what I got in MJ GP prelims,till today,I still can't believe that I did so well in GP given that I spent 11 years in Chinese SAP schools and usually speak in Chinese at home since my mom is a chinese teacher lol.Ms Deepa,my JC GP teacher told me that she hoped I could sustain my # in GP after the prelims where she gave me a hug in front of the whole class,gosh,I'm so embarassed and happy at the same time.I really did work hard,though maybe not as hard as some of my super hardworking classmates for GP,I didn't even think that I would be able to get a C for GP needless to say # where the national percentage of As and Bs for GP is less than 50%.I guess,it was my essay that helped me alot since my comprehension skills really sucks.It was not one of the best essay I wrote for GP,but I wrote it with all my heart and soul,from a perspective that most would not take for the sake of fearing that the examiners would be upset.In case if any current JC students want to know what choice of essay I made out of the 12 questions,I chose question 8 for the 2013 A level GP paper.:)I guess that was one of the best essay choice I made?Though I did a question about economics,"Is prosperity for all realistic in your society?"I used my common sense and knowledge from my everyday reading of the newspaper to answer that question and added in some famous quotes ahahahhahaha,without GP tuition,I'm really not equipped with much techniques since in JC,we were only taught mainly the basic YES and NO.

It was truly a happy and disappointed experience throughout my JC life,I'm so glad it's over now and I'm al ready to eperience uni life,Ive been working since 13 January 2014 but after my MOE intership ended on 14 March,I'm now working at Temasek Poly admissions office till 30 April:)
Not sure if I'm going to get a job after April or not though....feel like taking a 3 month break and recharge myself for uni in August,these few weeks have been rather hectic for me,switching of job environment,having to adapt to different people,place and job scopes,rushing to meet uni application deadlines since I'm always working during weekdays till late so that left me with only the weekends to do my applications,visiting Uni Open Houses,printing and sending in Financial Assistance documents for Universities since all Financial Aid Applications closes on 1 April..I'm really glad that I've managed t tide through all these with the help of my family and friends and of course myself hahahhaha.Not saying that I'm pro or what,duhhhhhh,there's so many much more capable people out there scoring tons of As in A level,but I know I did my best.All is left to God.

Love you all!



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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