So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

100 Happy Days
Monday, April 14, 2014 Monday, April 14, 2014 // 0 comments

Greetings and thanks for reading my post!:) I'm currently updating this blog from my office's desktop computer.Hold on,before you think that I'm slacking,I am not.This is officially my 5th week working at Temasek Poly's admissions office ever since my MOE internship ended.I really love this temporary admin job though the pay is not really that attractive considering that I have to work almost 10 hours
Took a selfie at work discretely LOL
per day;( But yeah,I guess I'm mroe suited to work as a admin rather than an educator:P If I did not mentioned i my previous posts,I AM SUPER ADDICTED TO INSTAGRAM nowadays.I used to be hooked on Facebook 24/7 in the past but now,it's IG oh wells.....And that's where the title of today's post derived from.I really love this notion of 100 happy days where people celebrate their happy days and I do believe that being happy is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than being upset.When life gives you lemons,MAKE LEMONADE!I used to be very hot-tempered,easily agitated for minute stuffs which makes me feel bad whenever I reflect on my own actions:( I'm truly apologetic to those I've accidentally hurt when I'm in a bout of frustration.
Life has been super awesome,everything has been going on smoothly or at least it turned out to be what I want in the end,I'm really grateful for all the help and opportunities given to me by the society and family and friends. Just an update for last week:

Monday:SUPER DUPER THANKFUL!--I got offered a place in the Science Faculty by NTU:)NTU is really nice and never fails to give me a heartening and caring impression.Even though I accepted NUS's offer later,NTU still sent a gentle reminder and guide for me to apply for Financial Aid,thank you so much NTU!

Tuesday:I was suddenly down with high fever,almost 40 degree celsius,was shivering like mad but temperature was rising like nobody's business.Fortunately,my mom was on leave that day and she helped be get medicine and MC for work!I love my mom soooooo much,for everything she did for me.

Wednesday:Wasn't fully recovered from fever,still feeling light-headed,decided to take another day of medical leave.As I laid in my bed watching the clock went by,my heart ached and bled-not because of fever but my $$$$$$!!!! I sweared to myself that no matter whether I am fully recovered or not,I HAVE TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW for $$$$$.

Thursday:Went to work,flooded with tons of stuffs to complete since I was on leave for 2 days,had to complete 3 day's stuffs in one go,but frankly,I enjoy doing much stuffs rather than not having anything to do like now as time seems to past faster when there's lots of work to complete,not forgetting the sense of accomplishment whenever I complete a task.

Friday:Down with headache and sore throat,really had a bad time at work feeling drowsy from the effects of the medicine I took but glad that I managed to pull through and got my $$$$!WEEHOO:D On a side note,I was praying for NUS to send me a rejection/acceptance letter ASAP.Seriously,I'm prepared to receive a rejection letter although I qualified for all the courses I chose but you know...NUS is like sooooooo prestigious and competitive and not to mention the cohort I'm with is a bunch of genius-.-

Saturday:Finally I could enjoy a good rest without having to feel heartache over the lost of $$$$ and to top it off,it WAS A RAINY DAY!!!!!!!I planned to sleep till late noon like 12pm,but those who know me well would know that I'm an early riser and prefers to sleep early and wake up early so that I won't feel wasted;P And yes,my plan to rest longer failed.At 7am,it started to rain super heavily,I woke up to shut all the windows since my parents usually like to leave the windows open for ventilation purpose>.< and I knew I couldn't depend on my sis to do that,she sleeps like a log and nothing can wake her up like seriously.Around 8am,Pi Pi started to bark non-stop,he's really afraid of stormy days so I had to calm him down by bringing him up onto my bed.I tried to sleep but woke up at 9.30am to what---------------------------------------------NUS's SMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGOODNESS,ths SMS was like: The outcome of your NUS application can be assessed here(LINK).
This was the SMS NUS sent me^^So thankful for this!
With trembling hands,I summoned all my courage and click on the link given and typed in my application number and PIN.I scrolled down to the 'Application Status Enquiry' and clicked in while using a book to cover my phone's screen as I slowly revealed my future to myself.Yep,whatever is shown on the screen would be my future since I'm no fan of appealing,working in TP's admissions office made me learn that the success of appealing is less than 20%.I was just a little bit above the 10th percentile for NUS FASS but quite far above NUS FOS,so I kinda expected to see myself landing in FOS.Bit by bit..........I scolled down.......ARTS AND SOC SCI!!!!!!YAY!If I could,I wanted to throw my phone three storeys down but with my purchasing power,I seriously can't:( And so,a magical and happening 1 week passed,and now,I'm a prospective NUS student-to-be.I accepted NUS's offer almost immediately though the deadline is 2 June 2014,but yeah,I prefer to get things done ASAP so that I have less things to fret about.

Sunday:Spent the day with my lovely family,watching TV and eating together at home,nothing beats home cooked food prepared by mom and sis and ingredients bought by dad.Looks like I'm the only one not contributing hahahaha:p Alright,gotta get back to work,or at least find some stuffs to occupy myself with.My current job is ending soon:( But I doubt I would look for a job any time soon as I still need to get my NUS pre-enrolment stuffs done before July though my enrolment package is still finding its way to my mailbox.I'm so glad that most of my peers got their offers too!For those who haven't,don't worry,it will come soon.:)

With Love, Cheryl:D



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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