So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

It's 2014 now!A better and more achieving year hopefully.
Thursday, January 2, 2014 Thursday, January 02, 2014 // 0 comments

It's been so long ever since I last used my laptop to update my blog because my iPhone has made it ever so convenient to post whether to update my blog,facebook,youtube and instagram. I've really enjoyed my holidays so far,like I've met up with both my current and old friends and guess what,tomorrow I will be heading back to NCHS for their awesome noodles as well as to get back my art coursework I did three years back.Geeesh,the tide really waits for no man.Agnes,Bei Xian and Shu Hui have yet to reply me whether they can make it tomorrow or not but I know Michelle and Jane cant,what a pity.....

But even if no one can make it,I can still go back with Yuan Ling haha,since her school starts only next monday and she's from NCHS and MJC too!Oh yeah,I'm pretty sure I've not updated my recent outings with my dear Yuan Ling and my sec sch buddies.

Ok,last wednesday or thursday sorry I cant really remember stuffs nowadays,I finally got the chance to meet Yuan Ling,not in school but literally shopping and hanging around wasting time.But it was very worthy of the entire day we spent together,without any hint of awkwardness given that I just got to know her like in march 2013.Heck,its like the day before was one year ago,I'm so not used to 2014 yet...We met at SengKang mrt and headed down to town and tried 18 chefs,the food there was rather simple and it was not up to my expectations,like since it's located at Orchard,such an atas place,one would expect it to sell good stuffs right?But all I can say is at least the price is not unrealistic probably due to student price. So we spent around $22 together for the meal.Then we shopped around and really,unless you have the budget,DO NOT WASTE TIME AT ORCHARD hahahaha,you can only window-shop at Orchard.The price range there is like so out-of-reach for poor folks like me however I decided to window-shopped with Yuan Ling cos we dint really have a solid plan beforehand and it's been donkey years since I last roamed around Orchard,yes,I dont really go to town,not with a sound purpose.Then we headed to Scape in the end,for foreigners who dont know where is Scape,it is located ear Somerset mrt station and is a venue where youngsters gather and most shops there sell stuffs meant for teens and the price there is much much affordable at least for me.Both of us bought rings and necklaces,you know,those kind of standard trendy accessories that girls love,but I bought it not for myself but as X'mas gifts for my friends whom I met on last Saturday:)We end the day with shopping at Somerset 313,(haha Yuan Ling couldn't get the number 313 right so hilarious) and I finally found a mint-green hoodie that I loved and wished to own for sooooooooooooooooooo long!And it cost only $10 due to clearance sale.It was relatively well-liked by people and fortunately I managed to spot it in time and I got the last second piece while the last piece got snapped up by someone else before I even realised it.There were other neon colours like yellow,orange,pink and purple but yeah,who wants those?FYI,I bought it at Cotton On somerset 313 branch,that's the only branch selling those hoodies from what I've seen.Boy,I went to many Cotton On outlets all around SG but dint manage to spot a single hoodie,guess it's God's gift to end my horrible 2013.

Then the last second day of the year was spent with my girls.Initially we wanted to hang around town,we met at Compass Point as usual,I was almost late cos I wanted to finish the book that I was reading-The RoadSide Crosses by Jeferry Deaver.I took too long to finish it!Partly cos the book was seriously very thick.That story was about irresponsible blogging(which made me abit cautious of all my postings in this blog) and I recommend you guys to read Jeferrey Deaver's books if possible,I love how the plot twists and surprises on the way!Then we headed to plaza sing,grabbed a quick breakfast cos most of us havent ate anything or just a simple bun.Then we debated on whether to go to town or head somewhere instead.Being a politically neutral person,I'm always fine with anything then we came to the conclusion to head to the 2 Degree Ice Art Exhibition at MBS!Man,it was soooooooooo cold there!Without any plan for it,we just headed down to MBS via circle line,am glad to have friends who are not map-idiot and we each paid $27 under student price for the entrance.Each ticket grants us one entry.The $27 includes a pair of gloves which we can bring home and a winter jacket loaned to us.I have no complain on the winter jacket BUT not for the gloves.The person at the counter told us that they've ran out of proper winter gloves for loan hence can only provide us with those cheap durian-opening gloves(if you know what I mean or else just head down to any durian stall and take a look at those pathetic gloves)Seriously,it made no difference at -20 degree celsius.Agnes and BX dint wear covered shoes,just sandals and they almost had frost bite while me and BX dint wear long pants,guess BX suffered the most:/Like I said,this decision was made on the spot hence the lack of preparations.I was fortunate enough to wear covered shoes since I'm really intolerant to cold climate,its really a miracle that I'm still here,alive,typing this post.There were many gigantic ice sculptures which were very nice and I guessed those rainbow colourful LED lights increased the overall aesthetics of the exhibition.I tried out the slide both small and big,the small one is just a simple slide and the ice there was not really smooth and had lots of friction so we had to slide down ourselves by moving our body LOL.Then I decided to #YOLO and tried the big slide where you have to sit on an inflated tube thingy and they push you down like the own at Wild Wild Wet(I think its called Ulala at WWW in the past).Kinda scary but since the kids below 10 dared to try why not,then this time the friction was surprisingly lesser and the speed at which I slided down was--SCARY~~Maybe it's due to the physics shit F=Ma since the mass increased with the rubber tube thingy.Ok everything was fine there except its very hard to queue for the rubber tube.The kids there really dont know the meaning of queueing and they just took the tube up again and slide down a few more times ignoring the poor souls like us bravering the cold waiting for our turn.I won't blame them,I blame their parents and the management there.Such behaviours stems from failure of the parents to inculcate proper manners in their young according to the San Zi Jing(sorry I dont have the chinese software on my laptop so I cant type any chinese characters here).And the management ought to have more people stationed there to manage the queue.

After the freezing experience,we headed to the Shoppes At MBS and exchanged our belated Xmas gifts haha,we left MBS due to a sudden downpour and everyone was extremely happy with the gifts each of us received,I love them so much!Not for the gifts but their lovely touching and pretty cards,not to forget,Yuan Ling's awesome card too!And of course,I put in my heart and soul in choosing and designing their gifts and cards too!And I'm really glad that I decided to wrap up my gifts cos everyone wrapped their gifts!ZOMG,we did not make it a requirement that everyone had to wrap gifts and they were so Zi Dong!Hahahahah,I always enjoy time spent with people from Nan Chiau High,I'm not praising my school,given I was also from RSS and MJC but I seldom mention about those schools,but Nan Chiau is really a school that not only taught me well in academics and moral values according to Chinese values of course as well as giving me the best gifts of meeting great friends-those who will always standby each other regardless if challenges and anything,they're the ones who spurred me on during the tough period I went through before A level,without them I would've have collapsed and gave up.There were many occasions I felt like breaking down,because I'm too lazy and stupid hence couldnt really catch up or make significant improvements,but the encouragements from these friends really gave me the energy,courage and hope that I needed to pull through those trying times,I'm really thankful to have them by my side.(includes Yuan Ling)For now 2014 will be a tough year for them,Yuan Ling having A level,my sec sch buddies having their poly final year assessments,I'm going to return them their favour and spur them on whenever they need,Ganbatte girls,I LOVE YOU ALL!From the deepest part of my heart.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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