So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

The Angel in every home.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 Tuesday, December 17, 2013 // 0 comments

The past few days have been pretty busy for me,with dental appointments,medical checkups which I've postponed during the year due to A level preparations,celebrating friend's birthday,and as usual catching up with ex and current friends.Ive little time left for myself with all these activities occupying the bulk of my time and not including sleeping,eating,watching tv,reading books and news articles,hehe but I'm happy at the very least:)Knowing that some of my friends are working and earning something for themselves makes me envious of them and my heart itch to get a job asap but yeah,with the TIP in hand,I will be finding jobs probably only after March.Sigh,jobs with reasonable pay are really hard to find nowadays.

Arghhh before I forget about the main topic on today's post,Angel in every home,I think I should start now haha.Okay,the angel I'm referring to are mums in every family.Mother-the term ever so sweet,kind,warmth to our hearts are often taken for granted.Mums are definitely the most noble humans on earth,I'm not saying dads are not noble too,of course they're!but in a different way.The passing of several mums of my friends really pained my heart.I felt sad for them,after reading their goodbye letters,memorandums,just viewing their pictures on the various social media never failed to bring water to my eyes.Looking back at myself,how many times did I quarreled with my own mum over something trivial?Like dental appt,tuition,grades,just how naive,foolish,heartless can I be?I did not even send a single message to her during Mother's Day nor on her birthday or any special occasions every year,I totally failed as a daughter.My mom brought me up with my sis painstakingly with my dad as the sole breadwinner initially,my parents dint trust in maids till today so we dint had a maid since I was born till today.Besides helping out with some easy chores like washing of dishes,packing utensils into my cabinets after it's dried,emptying rubbish bins,hanging of clothes out of the house for it to dry and occasional helping to purchase some necessities,I never once really help my mom in reducing her job but instead add on to her burden.At least my sis is independent enough to cook her meals or buy for the whole family,help to take care of my dog etc.

I'm really so regretful,but time and time again I failed to fulfill my responsibility,spending time over social media,outing with friends,lying on the sofa reading books or watching the tv laughing away while my mom slogged away in the kitchen clearing dishes after we filled out stomachs or washing clothes that made her hand sore and rough,never once did I bother to turn my head back from the sofa to even look at her.If only I can choose,I don't mind giving her all my strength energy and everything good to make her stronger,healthier,younger which she always wanted.How I wish god can take away 50 years of my life to give it to my mom.I really love her,though I'm not really filial having done absolutely nothing much productive for the house,but I really hope I won't be like some of my friends,cruelly left behind by god without their mum's love.

This holidays,while I'm spending time according to plans I made,I hope to reflect and change my attitude for the better,for academics,character,for family.Seeing someone with a rotten attitude (hint:one person that I knew from 2012) can even treat her own mum so well even after occasional quarrels and even leaving of home makes me feel even more guilty.Hopefully,I did well enough for my A level to enter a local uni and make my mum proud.Thats her wish of me and my sis-entering local uni and feed ourselves without her having to worry.If I enter uni successfully,I will definitely do my very best and rekindle that passion to fight for my goals as I did in secondary school.The flame for fighting somehow died when I'm in JC for 2 years resulting in me losing out on many opportunities and awards.If my A level results permit me to a local uni,I will fight for every opportunities,to lead,explore,learn,help,present etc,I want to be a successful person,to let my mum,my dad,my sis to be proud of my achievements and not sitting in a corner during relatives gathering listening to my relatives' achievements and none from my family.I hope my sis can do well in her studies(if somehow she saw this post work harder please) and make our parents proud.Though
we may be the poorest family in terms of finance without a car,maid nor branded goods and frequent trips overseas,I hope that we will be the richest in terms of non-material aspects as well as in terms of next generation,where me and my sis will be the most successful among all in our generation and make our parents proud.Hopefully,my very own angel in my humble home will be there to witness this moment of triumph that I promise to work hard like I did in secondary school to prove to everyone in the next phase of my future.Mum,I LOVE YOU.



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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