So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Farewell,Hero of the world
Thursday, December 12, 2013 Thursday, December 12, 2013 // 0 comments

This post is mainly dedicated to Nelson Mandela who ended the apartheid not only in S.Africa but the world.Though I dint read up much about him but from the short tributes that the SG media written about him,I think he is undeniably a true hero.Even God teared for him during his memorial service,a heavy downpour signaling the tears of everyone in the world.A great person gone like this,but what he did will forever remain in the hearts of many.I hope everyone remembers what he did and be more willing to embrace people who made mistakes(that applies to me too,I seriously should do some moral reflections).I hope discriminations can end in the near future as after all,we share the earth and we are all of the same race-human kind,so hopefully there's always peace and harmony in society.

That beings me to the topic of the riots in Little India in Singapore.I won't post much since it's still under investigation and the full story is not yet known so let's not make any speculations,I really hope whoever is at fault will get punished according to the law of Singapore and those who are not at fault or those who lend a helping hand during the outbreak of violent will be praised and awarded.After all we are a meritocratic society.

And to keep this post short,I'm going to end offf with a good news,I finally received my teaching internship posting which I was so worried and thought that I could not get in cause everyone at the interview was so good in terms of sharing views and giving on-the-spot speeches,of course I did my best too,considering that I had no reference to start with so yeah I'm happy with myself,and of course proud of myself that I've officially extracted my last wisdom tooth under local anesthetic for that surgery,kinda scary to hear the cuttings and drilling.And right now,my left leg is injured,due to old injury which I aggravated when I ran on Wednesday at Pasir Ris Park,it's been so long after I last ran for napfa.And did I mention,I lost my bag during the run cos apparently I thought Singapore was full of honest people and it was pretty occupied and early in the morning so I thought that no one will dare to take it but I'm very disappointed.But yeah it can be said as a trial too,the bag is not costly and it's from MJ road race haha maybe a few cents considering economies of scale and it contains only my 5 year old umbrella which I've been using since sec sch and has holes on it so when it rains water will drip through haha but you know I'm poor so I've been using that old heart shaped umbrella till now,but glad i did not buy a new umbrella if not the stolen one will be the new one instead,and two packs of tissue,and a plastic bottle also given during mj orientation,haha so all this I think doesn't cos up to $5 or maybe even much lesser,haha a blessing in disguise,and I hope that whoever who took my bag will be punished for the lack of integrity.Thats all,enjoy the holidays guys:)

with Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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