So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Goodbye A's,Goodbye MJC,Goodbye uniform.Hello society!
Saturday, November 30, 2013 Saturday, November 30, 2013 // 0 comments

A BIG BIG HELLO TO ALL MY LOVELY AND LOYAL READERS (actually I don't even know if there's still anyone out there who bothers reading my blog since I often private and unprivate it but I've decided to open it up to everyone again). Enough said,let's start!

Okay so my last post was like more than one year ago?yep!I lost my password till today I succeeded in cracking the password and I'm back practically because many people were asking me if I kept a diary or blog everyday since the blogging/writing diary norm is back again. I really forgot what I've written in the past posts but I don't bother scrolling it up and re-read every single thing again so just treat this post as a brand new post which may consist of some overlapping here and there for which,I'm so sorry..

From the topic of the post,smart readers like you would probably have guessed what I'm going to share and YES!IT'S THE END OF A LEVEL!LIKE FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mixed feelings yeah...Many people said I should take time to relax instead of hunting for jobs immediately and borrowing tons of story books to indulge in,but you guys are seriously WRONG!I don't even deserve a break:( I dint put in my best efforts,I dint work hard CONSISTENTLY for the past two years neither did I bother to set high targets to motivate myself like what I did in primary and secondary school.For those of you who know me well,I don't really share my past,don't misinterpret my intentions,I just don't want to be stuck in the past. Something bad or how I should put it in,not exactly bad but unforeseen happened when I was in upper primary therefore affected my psle performance.I wont say I was a high-flyer like literally those who are always in best classes but I was an average or slightly above average student since primary school in higher mother tongue classes but well,things changed when I got into P5 which really, was the darkest period of my life,let's not dwell into sad stuffs.

So I paid my price in secondary school,but God was very kind to me,blessed me with great friends,teachers and conducive learning environment.I really love NCHS,and I would definitely enrol my kids into that school if I even have any kids in future.I entered NCHS by chance,sort of forced by my mom who's a strong believer of traditional what everyone call "Cheena School" but heck,I'm proud to have spent more than 10 years in Cheena SAP schools (not showing-off). I cant imagine how I would be now if I wasnt in SAP schools.....I really love chinese,partly due to the influence of my mom but yeah,I know English is always on the upper hand,sad right?What's wrong in showing interest in your own mother tongue?

My secondary school life was the best part of my life till now,I will never forget how much i enjoyed my time in NCHS,I got to lead,I got to enjoy my passion in CCA-violin/viola,I performed well in academics across the cohort and yeah I was super motivated to study very hard to get into a JC and I did!:)Many of you may wonder what's so happy about getting into a JC when it's so common and easy for most of you to achieve that,but yeah my background is different from yours and it's traditionally harder for people with background like mine to get into a JC.

Bygones are bygones,lets carry on to JC,since A's is over,so I'm in a better position to summarise up my JC life.The 2 years in MJC was full of ups and downs,J1 was challenging,with PW and so on,transition from combined science to 2H2 sciences was really not easy though I was among top three for combined sciences in my sec sch cohort.Fortunately I took A Maths and higher Chinese in sec sch hence saved me the trouble of taking mother tongue and bridging programmes in MJC.I have been an average or below average student in MJ(to be honest) except for certain subjects which I'm slightly stronger in but most are....

A level,with the exception of math was quite manageable,but I'm so disappointed with myself for H2 chem due to my anxiety and whatsoever which caused me to panic during paper 3 as I raced against time. I've calculated the approx score for the 3 chem papers I expect to get which is around 70/100 as all my papers are around the 70 marks range and I do hope that my SPA was full marks since I couldn't remember any mistakes I did during chem SPA.In the past, H2 chem papers were much more challenging and rumours had it that 65+ will give you an A,but with moderation for this year's manageable paper,I should be more realistic and just pray for a B which I'm so disappointed with. Other subjects were sort of manageable as in easier than my prelims but fingers crossed before getting back my actual results.As usual,I'm very careless,always careless!

So yeah,I'm busy looking for jobs to earn as much as I can,not to spend but to prepare for uni(dont even know whether I can enter one or not) but at the mean time I would just pray hard for decent grades,I wouldn't expect straight As I'm not capable of that.:(

That's all for school,I can hear the jingle bells,Christmas is round the corner,let's just enjoy this festive season of giving and caring and sad to say,I wont be going overseas this year,so let's reminisce this video of  my geography trip to Brisbane last year.:D

Lastly,before I forget,I'm going for a minor surgery on Dec 6 which is next Friday,so keep me in your prayers will you?and thank you in advance! I hope I can keep this habit of updating frequently as in the past!Goodbye!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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