So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

DONE WITH Y3S2! hello summer!:)
Saturday, May 6, 2017 Saturday, May 06, 2017 // 0 comments

Woohoo!I'm finally done with year 3,can't be more than happy, really.

Even though I don't really look forward to step into the working world so soon but I rather work than waste my youth studying.It's not that I dislike learning new stuffs, in fact I do enjoy learning things that I'm passionate about and I've never regret doing geography (at least physical geography) but I don't agree with how one's learning is being assessed through a bell curve. I do believe that everyone who've put in efforts deserve decent grades but oh well, there's no other better way to prevent grades inflation than to put everyone on the darn bell curve.

On the bell curve, 0.1 marks may set you apart from others, how cruel and lame the system is that's why I just can't wait to get out of NUS.So tired of having to compete with others semester after semester, I just hope that friendships will stay intact after the four years in hell.

So,on a brighter note, my last paper ended on Wednesday,it was terrible I swear, B+ and I will be super happy. Yes just give me a B+. How I wish we are allowed to SU level 3000 and 4000 mods even if it means using up two SUs for one 5MC level 4000 mod,I'm more than willing to do that. I find it really unfair, the number of physical geog mods have been way lesser than the amount of human geog mods available, this is not holistic geographical education IMO.Me and several other physical geoggers have been putting up with this unfair discrimination since year one but nothing much have changed,it's alright,the end is near,I'm just gonna bear with it for one more year and I'm probably only left with two or three more human mods to do,still thinking whether I should do an ISM or not so I can minimise the number of human 4k mods I have to do:) Still thinking...

Anyway, an ISM only requires 4000 words and I'm sure the report writings in GE4222 have equipped me with the skills to write a 4000 word report within one sem given that we I have written a 8000-word report with two other friends in one sem. Speaking of GE4222,I'm pleasantly surprised by the grade we got for our second report. Desmond and I collected our report after GE4204 finals as I didn't want the grade to affect my performance in GE4204 which is my weakest mod this sem. So after the horrible final paper for 4204 which I screwed up rather badly, I was truly very happy to receive the grade for our 4222 report which is at least an A (Dr Lu couldn't release the grade but only gave us our score because of NUS's policy but good enough). Desmond said it's probably an A+ but let's give it some benefits of doubt yeah?We got A- for the first report,probably just an average score in the class but I do know there's this one BES group who've gotten B+ but since there's no bell curve in level 4000 mods,I think we should be able to secure at least an A- for GE4222 since our class participation and attendance went pretty well too:) I would be so happy if I get at least A for GE4222 so it helps to pull my GE4204 up >.<

GE1064 was alright,but this time round,I made so many careless mistakes arghhhh,those were very minor mistakes that I didn't bother to memorise while revising because I wanted to leave some memory space for more important concepts but oh well,I probably lost a handful of marks here and there but overall I'm pleased with my overall performance for this mod,hopefully with my midterm performance and attendance I can get at least A-? Again,I would be really grateful if I can secure an A or A+ for this mod:)) But I won't ask for much la since psych mods are always very competitive when the whole mod is all about memorising and regurgitation.

Nothing to say about GE4204,I don't have much hopes for that mod,just praying for a B+ that's all, I did learn a lot from that mod, just that I'm not critical enough and I'm not a human geographer so I found the mod quite challenging compared to the physical mods that I'm doing or have done, we did rather badly for the group project (haiz) and I did only average for my individual assignments oh well, really can't be bothered anymore.

GE3227's finals was insanely tough,tougher than the past few years. As usual, whenever I take MR's mods, my batch would always be the guinea pig batch (quoting Desmond) where MR would set a very different and tougher paper,it was like that for GE2228 too but thankfully I got an A+ for that mod so I'm really hoping for at least an A- for 3227 since this mod has a smaller cohort + more smart people = more competitive bell curve....My group did pretty well for the 40% group poster and presentation and I did slightly better than average for the individual 10% critique paper so really hoping that all these would add up to give be at least an A-,would be so sad if I get less than an A- for this physical mods:(

Y3S2's results would be out on 29th May which is not too far away but what's done is done,I will just gladly take whatever results given because I knew I did not give my 100% for this sem and I could've done so much better if I worked harder. Anyway, according to a friend,since I'm not doing thesis and this would mean that I can only get a second upper even if my CAP is 4.5 and above which I'm currently is, there's really no point beating myself up if my CAP drops to second upper haha (more worth right) since employers won't look at the transcript but only the final cert....And he calculated that with my current CAP,I can end up with 25 Bs and still end up with a CAP with at least second upper lol,of course I won't slack off just because of this since my parents paid so much for my school fees and I want to prove myself worthy of their investments in my education plus I don't want my fellow peers to have an easy time off getting all the A-,A and A+ by tanking their bell curve, instead I want to compete with them (despite me hating it so much) and I won't have any regrets when I look back in future:) There's so much satisfaction knowing that you've worked hard and deserve the good grades when you out-compete your peers based on your hardwork :D

Alright, let's not talk about school anymore since SCHOOL'S OUT AND SUMMER'S IN :)))))))))))))

I went to JB with my A2 friends, YJ and Zan one day after my last paper and was thoroughly damn shag. It was a great experience since I hardly ever go to JB and the food there was cheap and quite good woohooo!Also watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 at only SGD$2 or so!!!!It was so nice of the cinema allowing us to get the student deal despite us holding on to our SG student cards. It was my first movie after so long (the last one was the horrible show we watched in US at USD$15 WTF). We walked around KSL and city square mall,city square mall looks like a typical mall in SG but stuffs were more ex, KSL is more run-down but I prefer it because of the lower prices and vibrancy there. We went to a few cafes but got too full after trying two cafes lol and bought banana cakes from a shop there which was AMAZING! We drove to and fro JB and it reminded me of our fond road trip days,this trip is nothing compared to my SEP days but better than nothing,still appreciate it because every trip is a new and different experience and I love exploring the world:)

I went for my NDP interview the next day and I should be able to get in just like the past few years so not much worries! I bought a few clothes for my internship since we are required to wear office attire except for fridays just like my previous MOE internship and TP admin job so no big deal,just that I want more options HAHA,I would probably go and shop for more working clothes on next wednesday which is a public holiday and since I've paid for train concession which begins tomorrow,I might as well use it:)

So tomorrow is my first day of internship,pretty nervous but excited as well.I'm really grateful for this opportunity given that many of my friends didn't even get an offer or their top choices,I promise to make the best out of this learning opportunity:)

Alright,that's it for today's post,shall catch up on some current affairs and spend some time with my family before internship starts tomorrow!

Oh yeah btw, I'm going to Bangkok from 2 August to 5 August, just before year 4 starts with Sab, Desmond and Jasin,really can't wait for it to happen! :) I've been researching on air tickets and it's going quite well,so now just have to finalise our flight timings and start helping Sab and Jasin with the itinerary :D SEP defintiely trained us well in preparing for trips WOOHOO!

Adios guys!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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