So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Friday, November 28, 2014 Friday, November 28, 2014 // 0 comments

Double posting today!

Why am I still online?>.<

Haha,spent some time chatting online with friends whom I've not seen for ages,as the long-awaited December is approaching,it's really time to catch up with friends and relatives,that's why I love Christmas so much although I'm not a Christian.Speaking of Christianity,I've been wanting to post my recent encounters regarding the issue of religious preaching in public.

I know that there are laws that prohibits people from spreading religious ideologies in the public to random people and after taking mods like Sociology and from my personal opinions,I strongly believe that everyone is entitled to his/her own rights to pursue religious beliefs based on self interest.It is therefore against the law to make insensitive comments regarding racial and religious ideologies in Singapore that might cause social disharmony.

I'm not against any particular religious group but being a freethinker since I was born,I believe that it is my right to maintain my religious belief of atheism while respecting other people's beliefs.However,much to my disappointment and irritation,I've encountered several occasions of religious preachings in public by groups of people who claimed to be Christians.Firstly,there were flyers distributed at the doorstep of my home regarding Jesus and what not,next,there was once when I left Serangoon mrt station to head to NEX and there was this group of people around 4 to 5 people who approached me and told me their Christian beliefs for around 30 minutes despite me constantly telling them that I am not interested politely and I was in a hurry.

Most ridiculous of all,it was quite recently,2 weeks back from today while I was at YIH in NUS studying with a friend at the foodcourt (PUBLIC PLACE) and when my friend left for the washroom and I continued with my revision,suddenly there were 2 ladies who doesn't look like members from the NUS community approached my table.I don't know where they appeared from given that I was too focused on my revision but initially I thought they were giving out exam welfare packs since YIH is known to NUS students as an area where NUSSU people always give out welfare packs.

So when they said hi to me,I innocently responded (come to think of it,I was damn naive),and they asked if I could spare 3 minutes to listen to them (why the hell did I not think of why distribution of welfare packs required 3 minutes?!!!) Then I said yes,stupid me,and they sat down on the bench where my friend sat opposite of my side.Then they asked if I had any religious beliefs that was BAM!!!Everything started,when I told them I was a freethinker,THAT WAS WENT HELL BROKE LOOSE,they went on and on and on and on telling me everything about how they invited Christ into their lives and etc and THEY OBVIOUSLY EXCEEDED THE 3 MINUTES THEY PROMISED!-.-
Even when my friend returned,one continued to preach to her while the other lady continued wasting my time.By this time,I was super furious because not only they are wasting my precious revision time but they are infringing my rights to religion and that was when I told them I needed to study before the next lesson hoping that they would leave me and my friend alone.But no,they asked for my phone number and told me that they would keep in contact with me after my finals.

And finally,they're gone PHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

The lady who had my number whatsapp-ed me almost immediately after she left telling me her name and asked me when is my last paper for finals so that we can meet up FOR HER TO PREACH MORE.

Damn it,enough is enough,I was polite enough to listen despite that I was not in any fault or what for being a freethinker but her preaching made me sound like a sin for not believing in Jesus???

Sure!I respect your beliefs and I listened for more than 3 minutes,seemed like eternity to me and now she's constantly whatsapp-ing me to pick a date and location to meet her,it's just so irritating,I feel bad to ignore her messages but it's constantly coming in and flooding my whatsapp chats.I really do hope she stop her insensitive actions and respect other peoples' life choices while I'm still sane enough to tolerate her actions before I report it to the authorities.

From all these encounters,it really further affirms in me that I should not devote myself to a religion that cross boundaries to the extent that it encroaches into someone's private life,I seriously do not agree that religions ought to be like that.The more they do this,the more irritated people like me,a strong believer of freethinking will be.

That's all I've got to say,hopefully she would be able to see this post by some unspoken forces that she kept telling me.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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