So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Fate is sealed..More than determined.
Saturday, July 19, 2014 Saturday, July 19, 2014 // 0 comments

Yesterday was MJC's annual college day and most of the people I know in MJ went back to collect their awards for their outstanding performance in academics and cca,so the 5 girls in my class including myself and some other poor souls I know did not receive any invitation since we did not have any OUTSTANDING performance nor contributions to the school for the last 2 years.Nah,I'm not whining here,just that I think it's pretty unfair for some of my classmates who got just 1H2 distinction shy of the minimum 3H2 distinctions to get the academic award and she contributed quite a lot in her cca while some awardees whom I know received the award without much contributions just that he/she was in the top 2 leadership positions,I really hope MJ could reflect on this.

Speaking of this,I'm really thankful to my parents for giving me suggestions before I started my JC life,they told me to consider whether I really wanted to continue being in a performing arts cca which I've been joining since primary school.As everyone understand that performing arts and sports cca requires much more commitments compared to clubs/societies due to competitions and performances,my parents really hoped that I could focus more on my studies rather than spending the 2 short years on cca and neglect my studies and can't get into a local autonomous uni,that would be...SAD.Initially I was quite upset not being able to do something I like-music,and believed that my JC life would be sooo horrible without music.But after 2 years,I really have to agree that my parent's judgement was correct,joining library was not my choice,my first choice was service learning club actually but I did not attend the interview so blehhh I got into library which actually was a blessing in disguise:)

Besides getting more time to focus on my studies since we did not have to prepare for competitions or practices etc,I got to know really nice and caring cca mates,and they made library meeting sessions much more engaging and fun,yeah we usually camwhore,played around,laughed damn loud in the library like nobody's business (perks of being a librarian,for who can talk so loudly in a library without getting scolded?),enjoying and feasting in good food since library was damn rich as we did not have to spend too much money purchasing things like costumes,makeups,music scores,sports equipments etc  and what's more important is having access to the red spot room which contains urggh actually highly confidential documents that students usually don't have access too :P thanks Aunty for allowing us to have free access to the room!Besides that,we also learnt how to use spydus-a system that NLB uses too!Learning how to do stock taking,shelving,planning of library activities,simple scannings and photocopying and public speaking.It was definitely not as simple as what more people think of library but I really learnt a lot during the 1+years I spent on the cca.

There were lots of ups and downs like  how I wanted to run for the top 2 positions but failed and ended up in the committee instead but nevertheless library allowed me to hone my leadership skills and confidence of speaking in front of the whole school which I did thrice!Looking back,even though I did not receive the colours award that I could easily receive if I joined a performing arts cca,I have no regrets:)I'm just fortunate that I did not waste my 2 years in slogging and contributing to the school but in the end got no recognition at all and what's worse is to jeopardize my a level which is my future.Thanks dad and mom for being so supportive  even though I did not do my best and worked as hard as I was in sec sch so I'm more than determined to excel in my studies in NUS.I hope that 4 years down,you guys will attend my graduation ceremony as I receive a desirable set of results that I promise to do so.I will do you guys proud!Love you daddy and mommy :D

Not being able to secure a scholarship is bad enough for me,so all the more I aspire to grab a scholarship using my results in uni so that my parents wouldn't have to work so hard and that my sis would have sufficient funds when she enter uni in 2 year's time.

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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