So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

NUS FASS Arts Camp 2014!
Sunday, June 22, 2014 Sunday, June 22, 2014 // 0 comments

Arts Camp 2014!ONE ARTS~

Finally!I'm back after a hiatus:)I bet some of you guys would have thought of what this post is about.

And YES,I conquered Arts Camp 2014,claps pleaseeeee.Alright,I'm going to try to post up as many picture as possible and break down what I've went through during the 5D4N camp.Actually,in my opinion,3D2N camps are most appropriate,not too long till everyone burns out before break camp nor too short that we can't get to know each other and participate in enough bonding activities.With that in mind,I will move on.

Day 1:
I woke up at 6am sharp,bathed,ate a bit for breakfast,started my journey to NUS at 7am sharp with mom.Reached NUS at around 8.30am which was too early for registration and the camp ICs told us to hang around and wait till 9am for registration to start.After a while,more and more freshies began to arrive at the Central Forum (the venue where we have to report to) so the OGLs decided to open registration.It was not until I saw freshies started approaching the registration booth then I realised they decided to open registration earlier-.-This is the first of many hiccups during the camp.Most of the freshies were looking blur,including myself.I was placed in S1 (blue house),I dragged my bags that weighed almost like an atomic bomb and approached the S House table to sign in.After that,a councillor led me to an area behind the central forum where S House gathered.The moment I reached there,I saw a few of my OG mates whom were already seated there,and the OGLs of S1 approached us for our names and asked for $15.I was told the $15 was for our welfare and things they got for us.For each OG,freshies will receive unique items that differentiates them from other OGs and S1 got a weird torch light and a light blue 30 cents popular notebook,for which I really wonder was it worth $15?I paid and sat on the ground in a circle with other OGMs.We chat,asked each other our majors,JC we were from,CCA,names and some other cliche questions.The first person I talked to was Eunice,who's a really nice and pretty girl,and she resembles Mediacorp's famous female artiste,Rui En:) Shortly after,most of the OGMs arrived and we began introducing ourselves to everyone and started ice breaking games.We were given a short briefing of what to expect later in Day 1 and headed to a tutorial room to place our belongings before going to The Deck for our lunch.Unlike other camps,all of us freshies are not aware of the programs for the entire camp as we were only told of the programs on each day itself and even the timing for dismissal on Day 5 was unknown till the very end of Day 5 (another bad point of this camp).Food on the first day was still alright,ate pasta and mixed rice for lunch and dinner.We proceeded to LT 11 for briefings for games and introductory videos before starting the games.I can't remember what games we had on Day 1,just not so many dirty games compared to Day 2 to 4 but I remember us pairing up to look for alphabets and numbers scattered around FASS to win power-ups which will then be used to determine the winning OG/House.At night,I was paired with a guy in S1 called Bing Le,I really don't understand why everyone thinks he's called Bingle instead of Bing Le,I mean,can't they be more flexible and split the words up,alright no offence.He's a really nice and cooperative guy to work with,we were the first the pair to start hunting for games,we ran,cheered each other,looked for alphabets together and did forfeit together,it was one of the very few games I enjoyed throughout the camp.Then we had social night-SP (secret partner) session,all of us were blindfolded and paired up with other people from T house(green house) of the opposite gender.We were told to talk to each other and fortunately,for my pair,we did not have to do weird stuffs due to legit reasons  (I'm damn grateful for) and I will explain why my pair did not have t do crazy stuffs like other pairs later on:) The day ended at around 2am and we had to queue to get our stuffs back and move to Temasek Hall.Melissa was my roomie for 5 days,she's a really pretty,smart and nice person to stay with,she's my best OG mate needless to say,so thankful to be able to know such a patient and nice person in such a short while.We really clicked along well and she's from CJC,but a pity that she would be majoring in Economics while I'm still quite indecisive.We were quite dead at the end of the day,I myself don't sleep that late so I'm really in the zombie-mode and having to wait to bathe was really torturing.TH was really quite old and dirty and this confirmed my decision that I won't be staying in halls unless I somehow get a scholarship.We couldn't sleep well on Day1 and had to wake up at 7+am the next morning.
We had some ice-breaking games and briefing on what to expect for the camp on Day 1,I was among the first to arrive in S1!As usual I'm an early bird haha!

Day 2:
I couldn't remember what we had for breakfast,should be some rice or nasi lemak,it was still alright I think.Anyways,we woke up and bathed and prepared for the day after which the OGLs led the way towards The Deck from TH for our breakfast.The walk to The Deck from TH is a tedious one as to reach The Deck,we have to climb up a mini Great Wall of FASS (which Mel and I called it) for 5 days.The routine was pretty similar for everyday,finished breakfast,talk to OG or catch up on social media,then proceed to LT11 for some briefings of the day and video of the day,we continued our dance for rag day,which I doubt I will be participating since I have absolutely no talent in dance but maybe I can try contributing a bit helping with crafts etc:) Then I think we had dirty games,actually IMO their definition of dirty games is more on wet/slippery type of games rather than the soil/mud/gross dirty type,made us worry for nothing,but in a sense it was quite fun.I like the soap version of air hockey,we used sponges to block a bar of soap to prevent it from sliding off the table on our side so that we can win,it was super fun but not with my hands and shirt all soapy and with bubbles getting into my mouth while I cheered when playing>< I also enjoyed the game where we had to pair up with a partner of opposite gender and use a shirt to catch water bombs falling from second storey and pass it to the next pair and so on till we get it into a pail.That game made us super wet but I don't mind since it was just clean water:p Another game I liked was passing the cheezel where all of us OGMs were technically tied together using a string under our arms and had to pass the cheezel from one end to the other in the shortest time possible without breaking it or else we have to restart,though we lost this game,we had tremendous fun and bonded really well.The peanut butter game was seriously damn gross,each of us had peanut butter smudged on one side of our faces depending on the choice we made and we had to pass bread and chips from on end to the other and once the bread/chip fall onto the ground,we have to restart and yep,we won that round,had lots of fun but the peanut butter part still spoils the fun.I did not participate in the last two stations,one is dog and bone while the other was t do different stuns and grab different coloured sponges to beat the opponent,we lost those games and it was fortunate that I did not participate since I'm really slow in reaction and I really don't want to burden the whole team.Then we stopped for a cheering and briefing session and headed for dinner.If I'm not wrong dinner was rice and it was not too bad,but lunch earlier on was dry,sour,yucky pasta,it was super duper bland and dry that most of us didn't want to eat,what kind of budget food was that-.-After which,we had SP and Fright Night (they called it Dungeon Exploration) where we were grouped in 3s and had to look for clues at each station before we can get codes to break the final two locks on a box that contains powerups.So T and S house played Fright Night first and it sounded quite stupid to me initially and I slept while waiting for my group's turn,I was grouped with Jacquelin and Darrel,they are really nice people to work with,and if they are reading this post somehow,I REALLY FEEL APOLOGETIC FOR BEING SUCH A BIG BURDEN,NOT CONTRIBUTING ANY SHIT BUT JUST SCREAMING AND HURRYING YOU GUYS CAUSE USELESS ME FREAKED OUT ONCE I STEPPED INTO THE SHITTY DUNGEON,I'M SO SO SO SORRY.For someone like me who enjoys watching horror movies,I was actually quite surprised that my threshold level for Fright Night was so low that I practically lost control of my guts once I stepped into total darkness,gosh,now I really regret it and I swear I will avoid Fright Nights forever.Ended off breaking one code,thanks to Jacquelin,who's so brave and calm at the last station and Darrel for trying his best to crack the other lock while I forced myself to concentrate on the glow light's bubbles while my brain kept telling me to scream cause we were surrounded by ghosts/zombies(wtf?)Nonetheless,I'm proud of their achievements because I did not really contributed anything and I was glad that all was over.SP was quite ok,but NOT WITH OGLs MAKING FUN OF US WHILE WE WERE INTERACTING WTH.Ended day 2 past midnight,kind of expected,again the cycle repeats,had supper,really nice supper bought by the OGLs and had HTHT before sleeping.Woke up at 8am the next day.
A group shot before the night activites and SP started,haha it was one of the only few pics with me in the front.Kinda love this pic where everyone look so blue-y haha we are S House ma!

Day 3:
Repeated the same routine,had breakfast at The Deck,spammed sunblock because we were going out to Sentosa for BEACH DAY!Was damn excited with Mel for beach day cause like finally we can get out of NUS for games!We had some fking oily food which was quite nice if not for the excessive spamming of oil by whoever prepared it.After breakfast,we headed to LT 11 for videos and briefings before proceeding to the Central Forum where we had some cheer sessions and recalled cheers for beach day that was taught on day 2.S1 moved out first,and we took A2 out to Kent Ridge MRT and headed to Harbourfront:)Yay for my sis's concession card and I saved some money for transport :pWe were given only like 15 mins to buy some food before beach day and Mel and I bought honey lemon tea and two boxes of rolled pancakes which we could only finish one box and threw away the other:( After which,we proceeded to level 3 to take the monorail to Palawan Beach,and fortunately I brought my own EZlink card since I used my sis's concession card for transport as a top-up EZlink card is required to pay for our own entry to the beach.I was expecting tickets that were paid using our camp fees like the camp that I went to in JC but yup,apparently the $85 we paid for arts camp was used for some other things that only God knows.Beach day station games was really fun but some was quite dirty like the station that we had to dunk our heads into a big bowl of flour to look for sweets before spitting out into another cup and form a human centipede,but I think we won the game thankfully.It was damn disgusting as they recycled the flour and sweets I think,and I can't really imagine how much saliva was there and it really makes us want to puke when we thought about it.Then we proceeded to many stations and had a mass group photo taken which me and most of our OGMs thought was pretty failed as they took like more than 30 mins to take a single group shot and can you imagine having to stand and wait under the bloody hot sun?Another bad point.After that we had war games WHICH WAS FKING FAILED CAUSE THEY HAD TO RESET THE GAME RULES AND CUT DOWN THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS cause it was too hard to ensure fairness with so many people playing,and that means me and my group wasted our efforts and water bomb and got hit by the bombs for nothing since they were resetting the fking game.Was damn pissed off when other houses like T and A house squeezed our water bombs when they were not supposed to do so while defending their team.I was damn pissed off and decided to break the rule too and fking slammed water bombs in their damn faces like who the fk cares about their darn face when they don't listen to the rules first?Damn glad I did that.And I think S house won?Oh and S house won 2 consecutive beach day cheer,WE ARE DAMN ZAI OK! Had tug-of-war after war games,was damn interesting when all the 4 houses gathered to watch the game,we really felt the spirit of each houses,and that was when I started to feel a sense of belonging and loyalty to S house and after that day,I literally slept through every house's cheer and only woke up to cheer for S house hahaha wth.The night was filled with electricity and the atmosphere was made even better with fireworks display at the background by Sentosa WOOTS!R and T house won the tug-of-war and S house cheered all the way of ourselves even though we lost,but I'm proud of all those who were willing to step forward and took up the challenge to fight for S house,it was not easy.Good job guys and girls!Had a very emotional talk by the S house leaders when every house were given their own house time and I really love S house by then.We headed back to the monorail station and got back to harbourfront station.We were all looking like red lobsters and got our feets with tons of abrasions as we walked bare-feet on the scorching sand earlier on.S1's OGLs decided to take public bus back to NUS and it was damn convenient and we occupied the upper deck of the bus cheering and laughing all the way to NUS while Mel and I talked to each other about JC life:)And that's when I know she's damn freaking SMART and she did damn well for A level OMG.Went back and chionged to bathe,after which we had dinner which we had to pay for ourselves and I was quite disappointed with the milo like it came in tied up plastic bag instead of a cup like wth how are we supposed to drink it without a fking cup but we still tried.Had some cheers again and SP which was damn boring because we ran out of topics and went to bed like at 3am.Nothing new.

With the girls of S1!
While waiting for the lift with S1 hahah but we managed to squeeze into the lift,literally the entire OG!

With the entire S1+OGLS+Councillors

The entire S1 and OGLs in the dirty sea water haha.

Another shot with S1 girls and pretty OGL-AiZhen

With S1 girls in the water,if you look closer,you can spot Geraldine at the back looking as though she's drowning.

With my favourite roomie,Melissa!:DDShe's soooo skinny that I look like a whale standing beside her.

With S1 at the tentage area before everything started and we got our bad sunburns.


With Mel waiting for the monorail at vivo:)

Day 4:
Woke up at 8am again,brushed up,head to the Deck for Breakfast,forgot what was it but alright we went for briefings and continued playing games,but I forgot what games too,just remembered there were wet games too but not as wet and dirty compared to Day 2 thank god.Then we went to SRC for war games and some station games,I played in every single game in day 4 but an OGL in S1 which I won't mention still dare to ask if I played any games or just stone,damn that bitch like seriously,it was her whom did not participate in any games plus beach day which she just stood there and did occasional cheering without joining us for the wet games and all while other OGLs still had the heart to help us or cheer us on,what a bitch.Till today,I still can't quite get over with her comment..The war game was damn unfair again,T house,after having exhausted all their water bombs just sat down and bond while other houses stupidly left T house alone and attacked each other and T house won without doing anything like seriously WTF?And everything was chaos like when the leaders told S house not to defend,other houses defended their own base like seriously I got nothing to say,just a thumbs-down for whoever organised this shit.After all the hooha,we rushed back to TH and got changed into our smart-casual attire for Social Night,I'm damn enthu for social night but not meeting my SP cause it made me kind of nervous but all went well and it was damn funny cause the OGLs made it look like it was a real wedding AHAHAHAHA,all I can say was Social Night was the only thing that went well throughout the camp but of course not without any hiccups too.Being a first time clubber,like many of us there since we just hit the age limit,I did not brought my NRIC along as I usually don't have the habit of bringing it out and it WAS NOT STATED ON THE PACKING LIST.So I just brought along my Secondary School EZlink card and the OGLs told me should be acceptable,then when I reached there,the security guy told me to produce at least a picture of my NRIC,it was quite fortunate that they had an alternative or else I would just stone outside while they enjoy inside Butter Factory,I hurriedly requested my parents to send me the photo of my NRIC and they let me in:)Woots,a big Thank You to them and I really had fun in Butter Factory,fun aside,I will still try to control myself and not go clubbing unless with valid reasons or with school.Headed back to NUS after just 2 hours of fun and it was quite sad to leave Butter Fac and went to bed around 4+am.Looked forward to the next day with Mel as it was FINALLY THE LAST DAY OF CAMP.
Just look at how pretty and well-dressed the gals of S1 were,of course with the exception of me...All ready to meet our SPs and clubbing!

With my pretty Mel^^

Apparently my SP is a Year 2/3 senior and he's a cool guy though many OGLs said he looks like a gangster?WTH,but he's damn nice:)I look shag in the picture and not at all ready to meet him haha hope he likes the gift I prepared for him though.

Before war games started,group photo with S1,one of the nicer photos taken.

Group photo at The Deck before we headed out to take the chartered bus to Butter Factory!Again my face is half blocked><
Group photo with S1 outside butter factory,gosh I look humongous!

Day 5:Woke up at 9am,packed everything up and returned the transponders,bed sheets and pillow cases to TH,bathed and changed into the FASS shirt,so proud to be a member of the FASS family,but the shirt,sadly was quite small but that gave me motivation to work harder and slim down more^^I was waiting and expecting them to tell us a timing that we can break camp but they only could gave us rough estimations like "around 3+ or 4+ pm lah","not very sure leh,depends on how much they want to say?" and it's really damn irritating for people like me and Mel whose parents are waiting.Everything was damn screwed and the bitchy OGL that we hate brought us to the wrong place when in the first place she looked damn confident and told other OGL we are heading to the wrong direction and she knew the correct way,if I could slap her,I WOULD'VE SLAP HER BLOODY BITCHY FACE but ewwwwww,I don't wanna dirty my hands,haha maybe just ask some guys to "shoot it on her face".HAHAHAHAHAHA.We had lots of talks and cheers and celebrated break camp for damn long and proceeded on for MORE TALKS damn,I feel damn disgusted when some OGLs apologised for not caring enough for us because they themselves can't control their own emotions or keep their attitude checked,and I really think that my JC OGLs did a way better job despite being younger.But there's still some awesome OGLs worth recognition and I do hope to work with them or be able to see them around in NUS some day:)A thankful hard to those cool and caring OGLs out there and many thanks to all OGMs of S1 who've made my Arts Camp journey possible.I'm really sorry if I've not participated actively because I'm not a sporty typed of person and more of a performing arts person and someone with INFJ personality.But I'm glad to be able to walk through this special journey with this group of people-my first friends of NUS,and once a Saladdin,always a Saladdin,S House SWEE AH!~

With that,that's the end of my 5 day Arts Camp experience,it was not easy,especially for my who totally blacks out once past mid night and someone who prefers to shut up rather than interacting and laughing like crazy,but I still love Arts Camp and will never regret that I made my decision to join Arts Camp in the first place.Am still thankful and appreciative of each and everyone's efforts in this camp.All the best to you guys!Pictures will be up soooooooooooooooooon.Right now,I gotta go back to work,get my SGC back,meet my best friends before uni starts,BBQ session to thank my wonderful JC geography teacher and also my upcoming NUS geog camp:DI'm currently running a fever with sore throat,flu and severe sun burnt,feeling miserable as hell and hope to get well soon.
I forgot when this pic was taken so decided to slot it here but it's confirm not taken on Day 1,4,5.

Another picture taken on an unknown day haha pardon my goldfish memory.

Sayonara~~Finally this was the last group photo we took before all of us headed home to enjoy our well-deserved break.Everyone was in the FASS green shirt!

With Love,



"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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