So here you are in pieces♥ | Trying to prove♥ | To us it's real♥

Thursday, May 29, 2014 Thursday, May 29, 2014 // 0 comments

The weather has been pretty much insane for the past few days but fortunately it is not so for today:D I couldn't update this blog as my schedule has become more and more crazy,as my first year of uni life is starting in about 2 months time,I've got no luxury to keep my hands free.

For the past few days,I've been working at ICA,(Immigration and Checkpoints Authority in case some of you don't know),I started working at ICA on monday 26 May:)Met many new friends,surprisingly,I'm considered the youngest among most of the temp staffs at level 2 and most of them are currently uni/poly/ite students.Working with them was fun,especialy with Yan Ying,Izwan and Rashida,but more of stressful with the others I shall not specify by going into the details of their names,schools they attended etc..

It was so much joy working with the above three people,we helped one another to deliver passports to the respective counters,IT IS NO EASY TASK,especially its during the peak period now,with the upcoming June holidays and all,frustrated customers pissed off having to wait for more than 3 hours ended up adding to the already stressful task of having to juggle more than 1000 passports per day within a time limit.The reason why I like this job despite getting lower pay compared to my previous jobs and having to stand and run from 7.45am to 6pm everyday is because of these 3 awesome people and being able to exercise,haha yep,being able to work in such an environment where time is sooooooo precious, it trains me to think fast,be hardworking,sharp minded to react to customer's demands etc and physical and mental strength,having to work without stop is seriously not easy,coming from someone who've always been working in the back office,the past few days was truly a good experience,and I believe I will continue working at ICA even after uni starts if time permits:)

Five months of working life has taught me many things,sometimes I think that students should really step out of their comfort zone,and take up as many jobs,preferably different types of jobs to make them learn the importance of paper qualifications,how to be "street-smart', work well with others cause nobody is going to spoon-feed you and all.I myself still feel that studying is much better compared to work,and I am really looking forward to the start of the next phase of my education.With a degree or more,I think we could get better-paying and more desirable jobs,but of course,it still depends on your luck,preferences,experiences and personal aspirations. I've heard of many relatives having BIG qualifications,BIG as in really big,but waas unemployed for a considerable amount of time as he was not satisfied with all his job offers,so compared to others with much lower qualifications,he's now earning much less,due to less incentives for switching of jobs so often,and cpf is another big issue for us Singaporeans.

Aside from my working life,I really feel that there's an urgent need for me to change my character.My bad temper is seriously going to cost me many things and I ought to change it asap and another bad point is I am always worried about so many things at one go,like for example,uni course acceptance is only due next monday 2 June,and registration won't be starting any time soon since they have to confirm all incoming undergrads,I am always checking the portals of different Universities for updates so I can finish up the necessary stuffs before I miss the deadline.I don't really know why,but I'm really like that...Frankly speaking,I've already completed more than half of the uni entrance procedures,oh my god,while most of my friends are still deciding which course and school to accept,gosh is there anyone out there like me?It's not like I'm going for a holiday trip overseas hence need to finish up as much work as possible:(

OH! and before I forget,my sister is participating as a volunteer at this year's NDP through her school so that means I will have 2 tickets to NDP!YAY!I will be attending this year's 9 August's parade,and by that time,I would have started uni for less than 3 days hahaha,what a good news!

Alright,guess I gotta complete registering and activating my new OCBC Frank card,it's so pretty!I signed up for Frank at the NUS Fass Open House so it was free of charge!One of the many take-aways from NUS:)FASS has a pretty surreal scenery,love the greens and air that was filtered through the leaves of interlocking plants,but for now,I'm not yet a registered undergrad so I shall keep dreaming about how I'm going to enjoy the next 4 years in FASS:DD

With Love,




"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.


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