Wednesday, February 15, 2017 ♥ Wednesday, February 15, 2017 // 0 comments
Arghhhh,I'm back here again,I just can't seem to focus on my essay. I've been finding ways to escape from doing the darn GE4204 essay till yesterday but because it's due tomorrow plus tomorrow's gonna be a super hectic day for me,I have to finish it by tonight:(
I'm around 70% done I guess. I've got the whole structure out,done with intro and the first paragraph, added in all the pictures and I'm currently still working on the last paragraph and the conclusion. I need to tidy up my reference list and read through everything again before submission haiz damn sian...
Many times like this,I just want to go back to my exchange days, not saying the workload there is light NOT AT ALL please,fuck those who kept saying that you don't bloody have to study during SEP! But at least I didn't felt the stress to ace all my modules unlike here,and SEP was the ONLY time I learned things that I really like and will remember for a long time. Shits I learned in NUS are just ephemeral redundant info to me,I will just forget every fuck I've learned once I step out of the exam hall in NUS. This happened without fail EVERY SINGLE SEM and I don't give a damn about not learning anything in NUS,yeah my parents paid my tuition fees with all their savings but I got what they and I want - a good honours cert,that's all I want,zero fucks given for learning TYVM.
Really, what's the point of working so darn hard to understand the concepts behind everything only to get trashed by the bell curve,might as well just memorise every shit and regurgitate right? After five semesters in NUS (excluding my SEP sem) I honestly don't give any damns on learning anymore.
Thank God for this blog,I really have no other place to rant and pen down my daily emotions and thoughts because no bloody person in this world cares about my feelings,I tried talking about how I dislike the education system to my parents and they just shut me up and asked me to work hard and bring the family glory, they will just say if XXXX can do so well,there's no reason why I can't achieve what XXXX did, and those friends of mine will just say "aiya, what can we do?can only just suck it up and study so next time at least still can find job?" Maybe to sweep the roads?Nah nobody cares about the value of learning anymore,because you just simply can't afford to spend so much money and time on doing something you like but not doing well so we became so damn used to rote learning like fking robots and not knowing where we are heading to.
It's 3pm now,I ought to get back to work but I really have zero motivation to do everything now.I can't wait for this essay to be submitted, get done with fking Open Day, Geog Challenge and all the projects and field work. I finally realised why seniors in NUS don't give any flying fucks about attendance and class participation because WE ARE JUST TO TIRED AND SICK OF NUS AFTER SO MANY SEMESTERS.
On a side note,does anyone know where can I buy good and cheap refurbished Macbook? I'm still considering on whether to get a new laptop or not. My current laptop has been with me for 5 years already and though it's a bit laggy now it still works perfectly fine, it also looks relatively new though some of the keyboard paint has peeled off and there's some dents because I dropped it twice during SEP T.T But super lucky to have my laptop still working and surviving well despite its age and what it has went through:) If anyone has any idea on the refurbish Macbook sale or even recommendations for laptop trade-ins,I would be grateful if you can leave me a note in my chatbox in this blog!^^
See ya then! -End of rant-
With Love,
"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
-The Perks of Being A Wallflower; Stephen Chbosky.
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